Chapter 11

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After a couple of days he needed to leave the house. He go himself into the car, using the ramp. Connie drove to the hospital, Cal coming along too.

She tried to the look through the frosted glass, as he was on the other side. Cal waved to one of the nurses who went into the room causing Connie to look over.

"Cal. What are they doing in there?" Connie asked quietly as he read his book, Cal sighed "He has a check up every six months." "To see if he's getting better?" She clarified, Cal looked at her "No, it's a spinal-Cord injury." She raised both eyebrows signaling her confusion "He's not... he not going to get better." "But all those exercises?" She frowned, "Yeah that's to stop his muscle atrophying." He stated, watching her face drop. "Jacob's body no longer works below here." He moved this hand to the top of his chest. "Yeah but he's still trying, right?" She asked moving to sit next to him, "He threw everything into his first year of physio, all he got from it was slightly movement in his finger and tumb. Then he got pneumonia for the first time and then autonomic dysreflexia." "What-what What does that mean?" She stammered "His blood pressure goes up and down, he's constantly open to infection." Confusion all over her face "There is medical advances taking place all the time right?" "Well, yeah. But no one has worked out how to fix a spinal-Cord injury yet." She looked back to the frosted glass, her eyes blurring.

Later that evening Sam had agreed to take her to the cinema, she saw a poster for a foreign movie. She pointed it out "I hear this one is good." "Oh because we speak Spanish?" He laughed "No, it's got subtitles." She looked, "So you don't notice after a while." She added he scoffed "Two for the Will Ferrell please." He spoke to the woman at the ticket booth.

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