Chapter 13

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The days passed and the snow and melted away, a bit like Jacob's facade he use to have with her. "Nice shoes." He smirked as she sat on a wall, "Sam says they make me look like a leprechaun drag queen." She looked, clicking them together "He was being nice." He smiled "Don't smile like that." "Why not?" "I don't know what it means." "Where did you pick up your exotic tastes?" She laughed "What do you mean?" "It can't be from around here." "How come?" "Because this is where people come to tired of actually living. People here think excitement is a new 'please be quiet' sign going up on the library." She she chuckled, "You should be out their, claiming the world as yours. Living your life. Showing your shoes to dodgy men."

"I like my life." She laughed "You like everything." He looked at her simply "I'm happy here." "Well you shouldn't be." "Oh, want me to be more like the girls you know?" She looked, making her voice sound posh "Go to London, marry somebody like Rupert." She spoke rolling her R. "I belive he's taken." Jacob chirped in "And ignore the fact he's shagging his secretary within four years and bitch about him at dinner parties, knowing he won't leave as he's scared of the loneliness. Have sex once every six weeks, listen to him go on and on about he adores the children while not caring for them at all and have perfect hair, develop an insane pilates habit buy a dog, or horse? And develop a crush on the riding instructor and watch your husband take up jogging when he hits 40 and buy a Harley and leave him anyway to come and here. To give the children a happy childhood."

"Woah." "There are a lot of divorce handovers on the cafe... sorry." "How did you end up at the cafe?" He inquired "Zoe-" "Zoe?" "My bestfriend. Made a bet that I couldn't get a job in 2t hours. I proved her wrong." "And stayed there six years. Whoo!" "I was suppose to leave. I had a place at Manchester." "Studying?" "Fashion." She smiled "Mmmm. Why didn't you go?" She opened her mouth to speak, finding no words came out, she sighed quietly to herself. "You know what I see, looking at you?" "Don't you dare say potential." "Potential. You need to widened your horizons, Chase. You only have one life, so live it." "Well you need a shave!" She quipped "changing the subject?" "Yes.""Fine. Shave it." He eyes widened "what?"

She applied the shaving gel, gently in circular motions. Taking the razor she gently ran it down his face, swilling it in the water before doing another strip. She sat across his lap to finish the other side, both enjoy the silence and the closeness of the interaction. She stood back up once finished "Why have you got that look on your face? Please don't say you shaved my eyebrows off." "Only the one." She joked, he laughed quietly.

She walked out the anex and into the hall, picking up any of his letters. "Freedom? You call this Freedom?" Camila spat, "We all agreed to it." Stephen protested, "Not the specifics! If I haddn't noticed the Swiss postmark-" "We made an agreement with Jacob. 6 months." Connie looked up from the letter, frowning it hitting her what they were talking about. "No! I only agreed to that so we had six months to change his mind." Camila paused for a moment "I cannot belive you are willing to help our son end his life!" Her breath quickened as her eyes began to blur, "I'd rather than than him try it again, alone!... it wasn't a cry for help, Camila. He meant it you know that." "He's my son!" She yelled "He's my son too!" He yelled back, "Look this is what he wants, you know he's in so much pain." He walked away, looking out the window, "He gave me 6 months. We can still persuade him." Stephen rolled his eyes "You think the pretty waitress can do that." Connie slowly and quietly walked back to the anex. Camila began to cry "Now, can I have the letter?... please." She threw it on the side walking out the room.

Connie ran out into the yard, trying to regain her breath. "Apparently the shave wad your idea?" Cal smiled "looks great." He smiled warmly Connie just watched him walk back inside.

Jacob watched tv with his dad, it was sher time to leave. She grabbed her things and walked to the door "Bye!" Jacob called although she just shut the door trying her best to process it all. She called Sophie.

"This is horrible, we need the money I know but I'm basically just in suicide watch... I am not going back." She spoke drinking her bulmers as they sat on a felid at on looked their town, "Yeah..." Sophie spoke "What? Come on say it." "I was thinking about him... Con, you can't leave him they've got money right?" "I don't want their money!" She yelled "No. Not for you idiot... look if this is what he really wants then use the time he's got left. Make it special. As the Masters for a certain budget and go crazy organise a nice sexy lap dance." Connie laughed "City boys always like a lap dance." "Sophie Chase!" "A bucket list... show him how good this time can be. Take him places, make him laugh." "Bloody hell. But what if that list could make him do more than that? Like change his mind?"

Her first stop was the library, getting any books she could on bucket lists, research so he could have the best time ever.

"Jacob is never going to leave the house." Camila looked, "Camila. If Connie is confident she can do it, then that's all for the good surely." Stephen smiled, "Sport, concerts. I'd love to see him do all these things." "Okay. Okay. Connie as long as you can get me a schedule." "No let him do it himself." Stephen looked "He needs to feel like a man." Connie simply smiled

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