Chapter 20

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"Well, you got him here." Cal smiled, Connie smiled back as Cal handed the luggage to the captain, the three flying privately.

They made their way to the hotel after landing, "Let me show you to your rooms," the woman smiled. The next morning she went for an early walk along the beach, before coming back and having breakfast outside the patio doors to the room, reading a book. He opened his eyes seeing her, feeling someone's eyes on her, she looked up smiling. Shutting the book she stood up, "Hey, you." She came over, "How you feeling?" "Better." She nodded standing at the end of the end, "So what's the plan for today?" "Um, well we can stay here for a bit. Because they rent DVDs at the front desk." "I didn't come all this way to rent DVDs, Chase." She smiled widely.

They lay on sun loungers watching call Learn to surf. "Stop, stop. Hey!" Cal yelled as the woman joked around, before falling back into the the water. They both laughed loudly.

Another day they were at the pool on the resort, a man bringing over some cocktails. Cal with the same woman from the other day, "Is there alcohol in that?" Jacob asked, "Rum, vodka and Cointreau, sir." "She'll have two, please." Connie smiled, "Yes sir." "Thank you." Jacob finished

The next day they were back at the beach sunbathing, Connie reading a boo, the silence relaxing. Later that evening they sat for dinner. "Oh, and I booked you in for scuba diving tomorrow." Jacob smiled at her, "Even after I said I didn't want to. Jacob!" She exclaimed. "Hey." She smiled as Cal finally arrived, "Hi." Karen smiled, "Hey, I'm going to walk Karen back to her hotel." Cal looked to the pair, "Not sure she should walk back alone." "Very chivalrous of you." Jacob smirked, "Yeah it's very civic-minded." Connie added, "Oh , piss of the both of you." They group broke out into laughter. "Yeah, I've got everything covered, don't worry." Connie smiled sincerely, "We'll me fine." Jacob added, "Alright, we'll see you later." "Bye." Karen looked, "Have fun." Connie called as they wandered away. The pair looked to each other smirking.

That night, thunder began to rumble, she went to shut the doors, "No, don't!" He called, from the bed. She turned back to look at him. "Leave them, I wanna see it." She looked out as tinder crashed, he chuckled softly watching her, she came and adjusted him and his pillows, "Don't go back to your room tonight, Chase." She paused looking at him before climbing into the bed with him, watching the storm. Looking to him again, their eyes met as she edged forward, their lips meeting, neither pair savouring the moment.

"Just do it." He laughed, "No I can't. It's gonna be too deep, so I can't." She responded, "You can, you can do anything." Cal hopes of the boat, she looked back before looking to Jacob shaking her head "Nope."

She risen from the water, removing the goggles and everything else. "Why didn't you make me do that earlier?" She exclaimed back to the boat, "That was amazing." "I don't know, Chase!" Jacob called, "Some people just won't be told!" She started laughing, clapping her hands.

"I don't want to go home. This has... this has been the best." She spoke, music playing quietly, he watched her as they took a place on the see under the evening stars. "you're glad you came, right." "Yes." Started to dance, he chuckled watching her as she sang along, making her way closer to him. "You." He uttered, She chuckled, "You are something else, Chase." He smiled, she looked down, tucking some hair behind the flower that had been placed it in. "Well." She sat across his lap, cupping his cheeks she kissing him softly. He pulled back, she burrowed her brows. "I have to tell you something." She nodded, "I know, I know about Switzerland. I have known for months... Listen, I know this is not how you would have chosen it, but I can make you happy." She smiled, "No." "what?" "No, Chase." She frowned, "I get that this would be a good life. But it's not my life. It's not even close. You never saw me before. I love my life, really loved it. I can't be the kind of man who just accepts this." "You're not giving it a chance, you're not giving me a chance. I have become a whole new person these last six months because of you." "I know. And that's why I can't have you tied to me. I don't want you to miss all the things that someone else could give you." She shook her head tears dribbling down her cheeks. "And selfishly, I don't want you to look at me one day and feel the tiniest bit of regret of pity." "I would never think that!" "You don't know that. I can't watch you wandering around the annex in your crazy dresses. Or see you naked and not..." his breath became shaky, "Not be able to do... oh, god Chase, if you had any idea what I wanna do to you right now.... I can't live like this." "Please, Jacob. Please." "Shh... shhhh... shhh... listen. This, tonight being with you is the most wonderful thing you could have ever done for me." "I can't-" "But I need it to end here. No more pain and exhaustion. And waking up in the morning wishing it was already over." He sighed, "It's not going to get better than this" she removed her hand looking down, "The Doctors know it and I know it." She looked back up to him, "When we get back, I'm going to Switzerland." She shook her head sobbing uncontrollably, "So I'm asking you, if you feel the things you say you do... come with me." "I thought that I was changing your mind!" "Nothing was ever going to change my mind... I promised my parents six months, and that's what I've given them." "No! No." She moved off of him, "No. don't say another word. You're so selfish. I tore my heart out in front of you, and here all you can say is no and now you want me to com and watch the worst thing you could possibly imagine. Do you have any idea what you're asking?" She sobbed, "I wish I had never take this stupid job! I wish I had never met you." She started to walk away. "Connie." He called but she kept walking, "Connie!"

She didn't speak to him as they left, "You okay?" Cal asked, "Fine." She stated, feeling the tears spring. The plane home was uncomfortably silent, he fell asleep. She got up and moved the blanket over him properly before sitting down facing him, watching him.

They met with his parents as they arrived back, "Oh look at you." His mother uttered, kissing his cheek, he smiled warmly. "Great photos of you on the beach swimming too." His father stated looking back to Cal, "Yeah it was great."

"Connie let me give you a hand with those." Jacob's father looked, "Actually, I need to get home." "Oh come on I want to know how you got on." "Let her go." Jacob stated, his mother looked to Cal who shook his head as Connie walked off, she quickly followed her. "Connie! Wait Connie!" "You don't need to pay me. I'm sorry." She stated getting on the bus, She began to cry falling into her husband.

"Well?" Her sister asked as she arrived home, she shook her head crying, her sister hugging her tightly.

"Sit down Claire. Cons upset enough." William stated over dinner, she spun round, "And his parents know?" She placed the cup down, "What sort of parents are they?" "Mrs.Masters doesn't know what else she can do." Sophie stated, "It's his choice." "Some choices you don't get to make... he's not in his right mind, people that are vulnerable should not be give the chance to..." "It's complicated mum." Sophie argued, "It is not, it's simple." "Mum." Connie uttered, "No. you can't be apart of this. It's no better than murder."

Her dad knocked on her door, coming inside, he shut the door. "I tried dad. I tried so hard, but I failed." He lifted her head, "Who said you failed?" He asked sitting down, sighing. "I'm not sure anyone in the world would have persuaded that man to change his mind, he was set on something. You can't change who people are." "Then what can you do?" "You love them." She sobbed, "No one could have done more than you... You have a heart as big as a castle and I love you for it." "Have you seen them? Mr.Masters?" "They left. This morning." "Dad have I made a huge mistake?" He kissed her head "call them, you still have time."

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