Chapter 17

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She casually strolled into the Annex, reading what seemed to be a magazine. "So, I could take you to a Shakespeare festival, today or tomorrow. Or there's a sculpture park we could visit." She spoke, shutting the door and stepping closer to him "Or there's... Ooh, wine tasting." "This came." He uttered looking to an envelope on the table, she looked at him following his gaze, seeing a wedding invitation for Amie and James' wedding. "Ah" she uttered, slowly looking to him, "I can take you somewhere?" He asked

"First kiss I ever had was on that rampart." He stated as they made their way around the castle grounds, "Probably didn't hurt you owned the castle." She smiled, "Ahh, maybe I should have told her... She dumped me a week later for a boy that worked in the local shop." Connie chuckled, her arms firmly folded. "You're never going to fit through... there." She exclaimed as he wizzed through a small space, he laughed before stopping and looking at the old Castle, "Oh, wow! It's amazing!" Connie smiled, moving to stand next to him.

"Jacob? Jacob! No, please!" She called as he made his way up the spiral path, "Jacob, stop!" "Are you coming?" He called, continuing, "This is a very bad idea." Connie stated following him, "It's very dangerous." She added, frowning to herself, "Its very, very high up." She muttered to herself, she gasped quietly to herself, "And windy." She added moving next to him again, he hummed quietly and she chuckled nervously, sitting down next to him as he finally stopped, "This use to be my favourite place in the whole when I was a kid." He stated, Connie laughed, "Did you walk around here pretend you were a warrior prince?" "Even nicked a sword from the exhibits." He chuckled, she laughed loudly "weighed a ton." He added. "Oh I think this would still be my favourite spot." "That's because you haven't been anywhere." "Oh. So where's better than this, then?" She looked "Val d'Isere?" She questioned, he stayed quiet for a moment "Paris." He stated, she let the smile drop, listening, "Place Dauphine, right by the Pont Neuf... sitting outside a cafe with a strong coffee and warm croissant with unsalted butter and strawberry jam." "So, lets go! We could get on the Eurostar right now." "No." "But you just said..." she uttered disappointedly "You don't get it, chase... I want to be in Paris as me. The old me. With pretty French girls giving me the eye." "Could be something to look forward to." "If I shut my eyes now, I know exactly how it feels to be in that little square... I remember ever sensation." Her eyes began to fill at his words, "I don't want those memories erased by the struggle to fit behind a table, the taxi drivers refuse to take me, and my wheelchair power pack that won't charge in a French socket." She nodded looking back to the castle, he chuckled softly, silence overcoming them. He turned his head looking to her, "I tell you where we will go, though." She looked back "Where?" She smiled "Amie's wedding." "Really?" She laughed, he nodded "Will you come with me?" "If you want me too?" He smiled widely at her.

She walked back into the house, "Hello?" Connie called strolling into the dinning room. "Whoo! Jesus, mum, hello!" Her mother laughed, "Too much?" She asked, "Oh sod it. I don't care." "We are celebrating, Con." William called, Connie looking highly confused, "I've got a job." William cheered, "Oh! Dad that is fantastic!" She clapped, "You are looking at the new head of maintenance at the castle." William grinned putting his coat on, Connie frowned "God, that's just..." "I know, I know Mr.Masters rang me himself. So I'm starting tomorrow morning, month's trial." "Isn't brilliant? It's good money, Con." Claire smiled, "And he gets his own van." She added kissing Connie's cheek "Oh!" "See you." They smiled rushing out the door, "Okay." Connie uttered.

"I thought you'd be pleased" he spoke down the phone,
"No, I am! I am pleased." She uttered, "I just... I don't know. I feel weird."
He chuckled "Well, don't. Your dad needed a job, mine needed a head of maintenance."
"Yeah but it's just the timing. It's a bit..."
"It's good. Your dad will be great and it means..."
"It means what?" She asked
"It means... it means that one day you can go off and spread your wings, live your life without worrying about everyone else... put yourself first, for once."

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