Chapter 3

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She Sat in the centre of the track, watching a Sam sprinted around it. Sighing quietly, she looked around waiting for him to finish. Sam reached her where she was, stopping the timer as he bounced from foot to foot, "You know what you need?" He looked, "What?" She looked at him "To get out there again... Go job hunting." He spoke jogging again. She sighed and followed after him "Oh I haddn't thought of that." She quipped, breathlessly. "You know what I mean... present yourself, be yourself." "Sam... Sam can we stop, I'm not wearing the right bra." She called, he stopped and turned to face her. "Look you can do this... Something will come up before you know it." He smiled blowing a kiss. She nodded walked off solemnly.

"Please Archie... Anything, I'll take anything." She begged looking to the man before her, "How was the last place?" "Turns out me and Candle wax don't work well together." She chuckled, he nodded. "Archie... I really need the money, I need a job." She looked. He refreshed the page, "Oh." He gasped, "What?" "There is a new one just in... Career, no skills required and this is their fifth time trying to recruit someone... Good pay... really good pay." He looked, shocked anything had come up. "I'll take it." She smiled warmly. "It's an interview process." She nodded, "I'll go."

She rushed home, "Mum! I've got an interview." She beamed, "Connie, that's amazing!" She smiled embracing her. Connie smiled to her dad, "You'll ace it." She smiled warmly, "Thanks dad." "So what's it's for?" Sophie, her sister, questioned. "Care for a disabled man." She looked,  Sophie looked to the stove biting her lip to stifle her laughter. "Sophie, pack it in." Claire glared, "Sorry... It just Connie and a disabled man doesn't sound good." She giggled, "Sophie. Don't dishearten your sister, she'll be good at it." William quipped, Connie sighed and sat at the table.

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