Chapter 14

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She came galloping in as Cal moved Jacob into his chair, "Oh God... what have you come as?" Jacob chuckled, "I don't care what you think. Even if you have a new haircut!" "You look like a mad woman he protested. She frowned "An oddly cheerful mad woman." "We are taking Cal to see the horse racing... he's never been." "Yeah it's true." Cal commented "besides I've got £5 on Man-O-Man. My dad's mate says he's sure to win." She spoke confidently pulling on her blazer, "Wild guess. You've never been before have you?" She rolled her eyes "Well then you're taking us horse racing Virgins to go and watch it."

She parked the car up in what she called the 'perfect' spot. "You sure. He's going to sink." Looked as Jacob began to go down the car ramp "Oh no, he'll be fine." Just as Cal predicted, Jacob sunk, they tried to get him out "You push.. I'll pull." Cal looked "Right." Jacob spun the wheels. The blanket that covers his legs fell on the floor "Shit. Sorry." "Don't worry... it's only cashmere." He looked, "Yep. He's stuck. "Cal commented. "It's going to he fine." She uttered seeing a rather large crowed of men "Um, oh! Excuse me! Hi!" She yelled, "You okay?" One man asked, "See we're a bit stuck... could you help us?" Connie asked, Jacob clenched his Jaw shutting his eyes "We're fine." He groaned, as they all started to walk over. "Yeah? That's do kind of you." She smiled and helped pushing him out of the mud. "Yay! Thank you so much." She smiled, "No worries." One replied as the began to walk. "Guys! We're here it's going to be fun!" Connie cheered, Cal sighed pulling the mud from Jacob's shoes.

"Look! There he his!" She squeeled, pointing out the horse she had a bet on "He looks a sure win doesn't he?" She looked to Jacob. "You're going to lose." He stated bluntly, looking at the horse with disgust, "How would you know that?" "Flat ears, dull coat and he has a funny walk." He looked "Great." She sighed "You know everything about horse riding too." She added, "No." He burrowed his brows "I just look, process and make a decision and that horse isn't going to win." "Yeah well I like him, sometimes you have to go with your gut... I'm going to place my bet." She looked waving the five pounds around before walking. Cal smiled, as soon as Jacob looked he sighed removing the smile, shaking his head in disapproval of her.

She watched eagerly as the horses were set free, galloping off. Apart from one. Her horse. Walking slowly across the track, way behind the others. She looked back to Cal and Jacob, Jacob raised his brow fighting the urge to laugh. She exhaled and tore the bet up. "Lunch?" She asked.

"This is nice." Cal commented as they walked into a rather posh restraunt, "Yeah. I love being spoon fed in public." Jacob quipped as Connie walked ahead to the woman, "Hello! Table for three, please." She smiled cheerily. "Of course. Could I just see your badge." "Sorry?" Connie frowned , "This is for premier badge holders." "We have the pink badges?" She smiled hopeful "Sorry, premier badge holders only." "Okay. Any other restaurants?" Connie looked getting agitated "We have a relaxed drinking area, stalls outside and they serve a nice hog roast in a bun, with apple sauce." She gritted her teeth, "It's a quiet and we want to buy a really expensive meal, we don't want to eat pork rolls at a stall... even with apple sauce." She snapped, "Sorry but it's policy you need a premier area badge." "Okay, okay, okay so how much for the badges?" "We don't sell badges madam this is a restaurant. You'll have to go to the ticket office." "Connie. Let's go." Jacob looked as she turned to face him, "No, no this is nuts we've come all this way." "Connie I'm not hungry." Jacob sighed, "Well, I'll just go and get the badges and we can have our meal. We'll be fine once we've eaten. Yeah." "Con. I think Jacob wants to go home." Cal uttered, she looked between the pair sadly before turning back to the woman, "You know what? You can stick your premier badge, right up your relaxed dining area." Connie quipped, turning back she walked past them "Okay, everything is fine." She uttered

The drive back, was silent, uncomfortably silent. Getting back Jacob made his way to his bedroom playing his music as loud as he could. She crept in quietly, walking to him, his eyes shut. "Great. So we are going to paralyse your eardrums as we, now, are we?" When no response came she shut it off. His eyes opened, refusing to look at her. She inhaled "So maybe horse riding wasn't my best idea." He clenched his Jaw, his eyes still refusing to meet hers. She placed two tickets on his lap, "But this, I think you'll enjoy." "So Cal's never been to a classical concert now?" He quipped, "No. I haven't." She uttered, his eyes moved to look at her, "Will you please come with me?" She smiled hopeful, he looked back down to the tickets, "I bought the tickets a week ago. You can say no." She spoke solemnly, "A wind concerto?" He questioned "I've been assured it doesn't involve farting." "There's no chance of Jay-Z?" He asked seriously, "Sadly, his tickets had just sold out." He sucked his teeth, "Mozart is is then." She took the tickets back, a wide grin on her face, leaving him alone, he too grinned widely.

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