Chapter 16

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The had decied to have a picnic, she stood holding his drink while he drank, she cleared her throat, moving back once he had finished "So, um... Sam wants to meet you." She looked sitting down, laughing awkwardly, he frowned looking at her "Running man? Why?" Connie shrugged "I think he wants to know who I'm spending all these late nights with... my parents do too." She spoke fiddling with her coat sleeve, "I get nervous when a girl asks me to meet her parents." He smirked, she smiled a little "They wanted me to invite you to... to my birthday dinner next Thursday." She looked down, "But don't worry I said you wouldn't want to go." She smiled looking up again, "Why?" He questioned "Because you hate strangers and you don't like eating infront of people, seemed pretty obvious." "I'll come." He looked, "If you want me too." A smile lugging up her face


"Ah! Lads, Welcome." William smiled as Connie let Jacob and Cal in, "William Chase." He added sticking his hand out for Jacob to shake, Jacob looked at it "Oh I'm sorry... I didn't-" He stammered, "A curtsey will be fine." Jacob teased, everyone chuckled, "Curtsey. Nice one." William smiled, "This is my wife, Claire." William smiled, "Hello." "Come on in." Claire smiled, "Yeah! Come in. Come in." William looked "Thank you." Jacob smiled following the pair, "Listen, have fun." Cal smiled resting his hand on her shoulder, she exhaled "Thank you."

They all sat around the table, "Dear Lord, thank you for the food we eat and the company we keep. Thank you for the opportunities you give us,  and the strength to face the challenges we meet on our journey-" Claire spoke, Connie and Jacob looked at eachother smirking, "Amen." Connie chuckled quietly "Amen." They all repeated, before tucking in. "So Jacob you bought and sold companies?" William asked, "Something like that." He smiled, "Would you know this fella, Allan Hargreaves? The one who Um... what is it asset stripped our firm?" "I'm afraid, I trained him." The room went awkwardly silent as the doorbell rang "Oh, that's the door." Connie chuckled going to answer it.

She opened the door to see Sam, "Six miles in 28 minuets." He panted, "And a happy birthday to my girlfriend!" She cheered, "Yes! Happy birthday!" He looked stepping past her, kissing her cheek. "Sorry I'm a bit late." He called walking on. "Oh! No! Only 28 minuets." She Mumbled.

"So couldn't you go back to it all, you're still as sharp as a tank, clearly." William looked to Jacob, "Dad!" Connie frowned as she cut Jacob's food, "No. It's fine." Jacob smiled "Truth is, I thought I could cracking this and then go back, as if nothing had changed. Uh, I was wrong." He chuckled a little, "This is delicious Mrs.Chase." He smiled, "Oh, Claire please... well we wanted to make today special." Connie smiled, "wish Sophie, could be here. She's the brains of the family. She got put up two years at school didn't she, William?" Claire looked, "Over took our Connie." "Not bright enough to stop herself getting up the duff though." William sighed, smirking to Connie. Sam sat glaring as she wiped some sauce from Jacob mouth, which didn't go unnoticed by Claire

"Sam, shall I help you to more chicken?" She asked, "So, Sam, Connie tells me you're a personal trainer." Jacob looked "Um, life coaching, physical training, motivation." Sam spoke, "Local young entrepreneur of the year, two years running." Claire looked as she gave Sam more chicken, they all smiled a little. "So, Con tells me you were a bit of an action man before." "Sam." Connie looked, "I bet if we got you on a really good fitness regime. There's actually a Swedish study about how you can train a muscle to remember-" "Sam!" "What? I'm just trying to-" "Yeah, well, don't." Connie glared.  Jacob smiled "I'll, uh, bear it in mind... thank you." He nodded with an akward smile

Everyone sang happy birthday to her as Claire carried the victoria sponge cake over to Connie, lit with candels, She squeeled gently blowing them out, they all cheered gently. Claire turned the lights back on, "Um, so I just wanted to say we are very proud of you love.And, um, I don't know what we'd have done without you this past year." William beamed, She grinned "Aw, Dad." "And, Will, thank you for employing her. Someone had to." "Aye!" she laughed, "Pleasures all mine, really." Jacob smiled, "Here." William smiled, handing connie a wrapped preasant. "It's not much..." "Grandad saw something on tv about making your own presents." Claire smiled, Connie nodded opening it, slightly confused. She gasped as she discarded of the paper looking at the scrapbook. "Aw! Grandad thank you." she looked smiling "Thank you." she uttered again as she opened it up, laughing at the pictures, "Thank you mum, I love it!" she smiled embracing her mother. "Mine next." Sam looked sitting forward, handing her the gift bag. She cleared her throat "Oh!" she smiled opening it. She opened the small box, the smile disappering ever so slightly. "I had it made especially." "Oh.." she looked at it, "Thank you, Sam." she spoke through gritted teeth, he kissed her "Oh." she chuckled showing the box around, a heart necklace with Sam engraved on it.

"There's something in my bag for you aswell." Jacob looked, "You got Con a present? That's very kind of you." Clarie looked, "Wasn't that kind William?" "That's very kind." Willam looked as Connie stood up going over to Jacob and going in his bag, He smiled waiting for her to find the box. Sam frowning as she pulled out a card and a turquoise box, she placed the card on the table, "Oh! It's very lovely." she chuckled as she began to lift the lid. Pulling the tissue paper to the side she shriked "Oh, my god! I don't believe it." Jacob grinned like a chesire cat, "What?" Sam asked bluntly as she began to pull out yellow and black striped tights, "But where did you get them?" She questioned giddly as she jumped up and down with sheer excitment and happiness, "It's a secret." he smiled, "Tigths?" Sam frowned "Only the best pair of tights ever!" she squeeled, "Oh! I'm going to try them on." her family laughed as she hurried off, reatring she looked to Jacob "I can't tell you how much I love them, really thank you." she smiled sincerley before running off upstairs, Jacob smiled turning to see Sam glaring.

"I've put some cake in you bag." Claire smiled, kissing his cheek. "thank you." he chuckled, "It's been a pleasure to meet you all... Thank you Sam, for the, fitness tips." "Oh it's nothing, just helping my girlfriend get the best out of her job." he smiled kissing her cheek, she rolled her eyes. "Oh you're a lucky man, she certainly gives a good bed bath." William sniggered at his remark as Sam clenched his Jaw as he got in the car with Cal. Connie trying her best not to laugh, "Funny guy, I like him." William commented.

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