Chapter 9

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The next day Connie sat at the table, gluing his frames back together. Trying to fix them best she could. He came in and found her, she lifted hit up "I just thought, I'd fix some of these." She smiled "Or I could get new ones." "Do you know what? Me smashing those, wasn't an accident." "Sorry I didn't think." "You thought you knew best. Well I don't want them staring at me, the pictures." "I wasn't going to fix the one of Amie." She protested in her defence. "Just spare me the cod psychology. Go raid your grandmother wardrobe or whatever you do when you're not making tea."

"You don't have to be an arse!" She exclaimed, he frowned and turned back to face her "Your friends got the shit treatment I get that, the deserve it. I'm just trying to do my job as best I can. So it would be really nice if you didn't try to make my life miserable as you apparently make everyone elses." She snapped "What if I said I didn't want you here?" He looked "I'm employed by your mother not you. So when she says she doesn't want me here I'm staying. Not because I care about you or enjoy your company, because I need the money." She looked back to the photograph "I really need the money." "Just put them in the drawer." he stated simply before going off, leaving her alone in the room again.

AN:just a quick update x

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