Chapter 10

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She arrived in the anex after the weekend, the rain pouring outside. She came into his room "Hi. Am I needed?" She questioned "DVD weather today, I think." She walked over to where they were kept "Des hommes Et Des Dieux." He spoke as she opened the draw revealing them all, she cleared her throat confused by his niceness. She pulled it out "Something about men?" "Yeah. It's Gay French porn." He looked to her, she looked at him disgusted opening the case. "You don't like sarcasm do you?" She rolled her eyes placing it in the DVD player "Sarcasm is fine... superiority not so fine." She quipped "You must hate me then." She shook her head "I've never hated anyone." He scoffed, "Let me know if you need anything." She added going to leave

"Have you seen it?" She turned to face him, "I don't really like those films." "Those films?" "Films with subtitles." She stated "School not teach you to read?" She raised a brow. "Sit watch with me. That's an order." She smiled brefily doing just that.

He looked over seeing her completely engrossed in the film before her.

The birds chirped outside as the sun came out and the film ended. He smiled, notcing how she was still processing it all. "Well they could have left." She spoke sitting up, "They chose to stay." He stated, she sat to face him "Yeah no, I get it. Being there gave their life more meaning but that's-" "But you don't agree." "To sacrifice themselves like that! I mean could you imagine?" "But you liked the film?" He smirked "I loved it." She smiled, he chuckled "Are you laughing at me? If you are I swear to go I'll push you out that chair." "I'm not laughing at you. The skies cleared shall we get some air?"

They roamed the grounds side by side, "I'm just surprised you could reach the age of what?" "26" "26 and never watched a film with subtitles." "Oh well how have you reached 31 and not been locked in a cupboard for being such a snob." "What?" He looked stopping, making her look back. "E.T is my favourite film." "E.T is everyone's favourite film." "I've seen every Bond." "So's the world." "And I've got a soft spot for Armageddon."

Camila had come back to collect something, hearing them outside "Bruce Willis. Has to save world, oil driller, from an asteroid. He does." "That's better." A smile graced her lips before she left again.

"So Connie Chase, what do you do when you aren't here?" He looked. The continued to walk "I spend time with my family and go to the pub, watch TV oh! I watch Sam running." "Sam's your boyfriend?" "Yeah!" She smiled cheerily "You don't run with him?" "No... He trains really hard and I wouldn't want to get in the way." "That's an impressive list of hobbies." "Well no. No. I read a bit and I like- like clothes." She stammered "You like clothes?" He looked "I don't do much okay?" She smiled "I go to work and then home that's it." "Wow... your lifes even duller than mine." She smiled awkwardly.

"He's in a good mood." Cal commented, Connie looked and smiled with a small nod "He told me all about you and the green gravy." He laughed, she laughed too "I've... I've never have pesto sauce before." "Nah whatever ever it's all good. It's a long time he's laughed at anything." She smiled turning the tap on to finish washing up, quiet proud of herself.

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