Chapter 4

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"Mum. I look awful." Connie protested, the tight black cotton skirt clinging to her legs. Her mum brushed the black and white checked blazer. "Style may change but smart. Smart never does." Claire looked with a warm smile, before fiddling with her daughters head. After her mother had finished she grabbed her bag and left to work, taking the bus.

It pulled up outside the towns castle grounds, "Thank you." She called rushing of the bus, seeing the black steel gates led to a old, yet moden, styled house. She looked at her watch as she rushed forward, adjusting her skirt that rose up multiple times. She rang the buzzer waiting for the gate to open, once her access was granted she walked forward, along the stones to where she saw an older woman and a clipboard. Taking to a younger woman, she slowed her walking not wanting to intrude. The younger blonde haired woman walked past her, leaving Connie to walk to what, in her head, she had names the clip board woman.

"You must be Connie Chase, I'm Camila Masters, do come in." She looked, Connie nodded adjusting the skirt once more and following closely behind her. As she walked in her eyes widened, the house was so Grand, so posh. She realised her pace had slowed, as Camila turned her head, she coughed quietly and continued to follow.

They entered a small room, or what was probably the smallest in the house. She sat on the sofa that sat in the middle of the room, facing another sofa where Mrs.Masters proceeded to sit, split by coffee table. "Please sit down." Camila looked, gesturing to the sofa before her. A small noise left her as she sat down, anxiously. "Do you have any experience of care giving?" The older woman looked, "See... well no." She stammered "But I'm a fast learner... I'm sure I could learn." She quickly added. Camila read over the clip board "Anyway experiences with quadripligia?" "Um No." She looked. Camila looked at her, "We are talking about complet loss of his legs, very limited use of the hands and arms... would that bother you?" Camila looked seriously. "Not as much as it would bother him, obviously." She joked, quickly realising that was a mistake. "Sorry... no... I...Uh." She stammered hearing a rip from her skirt, looking to her left thigh she saw the seem had split. Horror grew in her face, "Are you alright?" Camila asked, "Um... I'm just a little hot, do you mind if I take my jacket off?" Camila just watched as she removed the blazer tying it around her waist hopping it would hide it. "You last employer says good things about you." "Yeah I paid him." She laughed awkwardly. "So what do you want to do with your life?" "Sorry." She looked, her smile dropping. "What are is your dream?" "Um well-" "Miss.Chase why should I employ you over the last person?" Camila looked at her "Well Um," "Really you can't think of a single thing of why I should employ you?" Camila frowned, "Well, no, yes Mr.Masters I'm a fast learner, I'm never ill and I only live on the other side of the castle and I'm stronger than I look and I make a good cup of tea... anything can be solved over a cup of tea." She looked, "Not that I'm saying your husbands, paraplegia... Quadripligia could be solved-" "My husband?" The older woman frowned "It's my Son." She stated, "Your son." Connie repeated solemnly, "Jacob was in a road accident two years ago." "Oh, I'm so sorry... when I'm nervous I say stupid stuff and when I say stupid stuff-"

The door creaked open and a talk old dark man entered "I'm just popping out." He looked to Camila, "How long will you be?" Camila looked "Not long, why do you need me?" He looked "No darling." He nodded and kissed her head before looking to Connie. "Stephen, Jacob's father Nice to meet you." He stuck is palm out for her to shake, she leaned over slightly holding the ripped seem as she heard it rip move, "Connie... Connie Chase, lovely to meet you too." She smiled shaking his hand, before sitting down again. He left the room again, "So." Camila looked, Connie nodded looking down "Hm.." "Do you want the job?" Connie looked up smiling "Yes!" "Can you start imidietly?" "Yes!" "Well let's go and meet Jacob." Camila smiled.

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