Chapter 7

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The next few days carried on the same, the days would drag and Jacob was no company. It seemed the kinder she was the harsher he was. He physically hated her, she could have saved his life and he probably wouldn't have been thankful.

She was putting his clothes away when she came across an array of photos from before his accident, she lifted one up looking at it. Not realising his presents she continued to stare at it "val d'Isere." Jacob spoke, she quickly placed it back "Good snow that year." "Sorry I was... I was-" She stammered before he intervened "Looking at my photographs. Thinking how awful it is to have lived like that and ended up like this... The rest are in the draw if you'd like to snoop around further." He looked harshly.

The days continued in, regardless of the weather she was still there on time, regardless of the hate she would be greeted with she was still polite.

She lay on the bed her feet resting on the wall, Sophie in the same way as they spoke "No matter how I speak to him, he looks at me as if I'm stupid." She sighed, "To be fair you are pretty stupid." Sophie chuckled, "Yeah but he doesn't know that yet." She looked giggling "I bet he's like that with everyone... Until he knows they are sticking around... it's only been the grand total of 10 days." She smiled "Feels like a lifetime." "Well you cannot quit." "Watch me." Sophie sat up to face her "Um... Look I'm thinking of going back to Collage... A place has opened up." "What? What about Freddie?" Connie looked and she pushed herself up on her elbows, "Campus Nursery, we could come back on weekends." Connie sighed resting back. "I don't have a Sam, Con. I don't think I'm ever going to have a Sam. I need this more than anything right now." Connie sat up again "Oh! You need me to stay her in my awful job so I can help Mum and dad." "I've done my fair share." Sophie protested, "Oh, really?" Sophie exhaled "I can't stay here... You know I can't." Connie rested back down once again."Please, for me and Freddie." Connie opened her arm, Sophie lay back down like previously

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