Coffee Date [Jin]

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-Jin's perspective-

The city was bustling with sound, cars honking, people going about with their daily lives, and tourist just like them exploring. It was just a normal city, nothing to really fret over. Jin walked along the side walk, the sun shining on his face as he looked around making sure he was in the right place. It was a quite warm outside, which would be expected considering it was spring. "Is this the right place, Namjoon?" he squinted his eyes, putting his hand above his eyes to shade the sun from them as he looked up at Namjoon. Though he wasn't that much taller than him. Jin had a feeling this was going to be a somewhat interesting day. He looked around a little bit more and the people passing by as well as the cars.

Namjoon bit his lip, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure," he scratched back of his neck. "I put the directions in my phone." he shrugged, slipping his hands in his pockets.

Jin shook his head, he was in an unfamiliar place and not sure where he was not. But, he knew he was safe, that he was protected, because Namjoon was there with him. He sighed placing his hands on his hips before quickly reaching out, grabbing Namjoon's hand and pulling to the building quickly. He was suddenly hit by the coolness the air conditioner was letting out, the strong smell of coffee filled his senses making him let out a happy sigh. "This makes me feel much better. It's pretty warm out today." he said. Especially since it was spring, it was bound to be warm on occasion.

He fixed his backpack straps while looking around the small coffee shop. He looked at the time on his phone. It was still a bit early in the morning.

There were a few people in the coffee shop, mostly sitting at some small tables that were placed against the wall. They all seemed to be on a laptop, probably doing work of some sort. They did look a lot like college students. He fixed his gray beanie on his head, turning to the front of the shop where the counter was - there was a line with about 3 people in it. He gripped Namjoon's hand tightly moving forward and standing patiently in the line. He loved holding his hand as it made him feel safe in new places such as this one. Well, many times he wasn't able to do that as the group was with them when they went to a lot of new places. So, he was particularly happy to be with him today. Even if it wouldn't last forever.

He bit his lip, "Wow, this line isn't that long. I guess they aren't busy today." he shrugged glancing at Namjoon who had a visible smile on his face. "Maybe people are feeling extra lazy this morning." he joked bumping Namjoon with his elbow playfully.

"Yeah, I guess so. I'm sure they are usually busy in the mornings. It is a coffee shop after all." Namjoon leaned over whispering in his ear. Jin chuckled, "You are probably right." he admitted and looked down at his black shoes.

He looked up at the menu, his eyes focusing on each option to see which one he liked best. "What are you gonna get, Namjoon?" he asked.

"I don't know yet." he shrugged, this answer made him wince. He really needed a second opinion on what to get. He was gonna try and copy off of whatever Namjoon would get. 

Jin ran a hand through his hair with a huff, "I don't know what to get either. I was hoping you had an idea so I could just copy off of you." Namjoon chuckled at that. Jin honestly had no idea what he wanted as he had never been to that coffee shop before. Of course he had drunken coffee in his life time. Who hadn't? It was one of the most famous drinks around the world.

Jin sighed and began moving up as the line moved, "I think I'm just gonna get a regular coffee." he shrugged. Namjoon nodded, they both ordered and walked over to a small booth beside the window. He sat on the left side as Namjoon sat on the right side. He looked out the window for a bit, for no reason in particular. Just to look. Maybe out of curiosity or boredom. He did not really know himself.

Namjoon slid a hand in his pocket, "Here." he handed a small piece of paper to Jin. "What's this?" he looked at Namjoon. His curiosity had been peeked at this point.

"Why don't you open it?" he smirked, taking a sip. He gave him a questioning stare.

"Just open it."

He rose an eyebrow at him in question, his eyes ran over every word before realizing, "Did you not finish it?" he asked. The letter was very sweet indeed, a hint of a smile on his face, before he turned into a grinning fool. "Regardless, I love it." he said, wanting Namjoon to know how much he loved it.

Namjoon shook his head, "That's the first part. You will get the second part, eventually." he told him, taking a sip of his coffee. Jin's jaw dropped, "That is not fair!" he muttered, he was not angry. Just eager of course. "Though, I am very happy you like it." he grinned at Jin.

He sipped his own drink absentmindedly, the coffee was actually quite good, "It's nice, don't you think?" he asked Namjoon. It was quite hot so he let out air over it. Cooling it off.

Namjoon nodded, "Yes. It is pretty good. It was a good choice. Is what you meant to say." Jin laughed.

"Oh get over yourself big guy." he rolled his eyes, playfully of course. He smiled happily. He was really enjoying his time with Namjoon. He really hoped it wouldn't end. Of course it would eventually. That was just wishful thinking.

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