Too Late [SJ]

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Seokjin's perspective

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Seokjin's perspective

The eldest in the house did not know of anything that had been going on between Taehyung and Namjoon. He had his eyes closed when the boys were playing games. Everyone was annoyed when Jungkook won for the second time. Jin was almost drifting off to sleep until he felt someone sinking into the spot on the sofa next to him. He opened his eyes and saw Taehyung. He really did not feel like talking to him. Ever since the other kissed him, he felt like Namjoon had been ignoring him. It was not his fault, but now it really felt like it was. He should have just pushed Taehyung away, but he did not. Why did he not? Suddenly he wished he had lied about it and never told Namjoon. Even if he had done that, it would have come out after all, he knew it. Secrets are not meant to be kept. Maybe just for a moment.

Seokjin was purposely ignoring the boy next to him, and he heard him whine. Namjoon was nowhere to be seen, probably up in his room to sort out the happenings. He did not want to bother him, but on the other hand he also wanted to be there for him and tell him everything was going to be just fine. He just could not get up, as if he was glued to the couch. Legs heavy, and his eyes slowly looking into Taehyung's. 'Hyung, why don't you play a game with us?' Jungkook asked, probably wanting to beat everyone at least one time tonight. Seokjin finally got the motivation to get up and left Taehyung sitting there on his own.

- -

After having an all-nighter with the boys, Seokjin woke up as it was getting close to noon. His head hurt just slightly and he sighed, the sheets feeling cold around his body. The sun was shining through his curtains and he slowly got up, sitting at the edge of his bed. He checked his phone. Apparently Taehyung had send him tons of messages. Namjoon none. Even now Seokjin was getting up to check his door, but there was no letter either. He thought back of their trip and tour and smiled. The past letters had made his heart flutter happily. He was not ready to lose that feeling. Not yet. He had to make his statement clear, and that was that he did not care about Taehyung and that his feelings for Namjoon were real. But did that mean he had to involve the whole group? Would they accept them?

After thinking for a little while, he got dressed and walked downstairs to the living room. On his way down the stairs he bumped into Taehyung, what a surprise. Even though they lived together, he felt like the other was searching him all the time on purpose. 'You have not responded to my texts yet.' The younger said, with a cold tone in his voice. 'I am sorry, I just woke up.' He continued to walk past him and tried to block out the other things he said. Jin joined Hoseok and Jimin at the kitchen table instead, to make sure Tae would not bother him anymore. They shared some of their breakfast with him and he smiled, thanking them. He started eating, even though his stomach was upside down. He was scared the situation was going to be an even bigger mess as it kept going on and if he did not interfere. He just could not walk away at this point. Today he would talk to Namjoon, but where was he? 'Have you guys seen Namjoon yet?'

Hoseok and Jimin both shook their head. 'He must have been exhausted from the trip. He has done a lot behind the scenes and for the tours quality as well.' Hoseok recalled. Still, he had a worried look on his face. 'He might have overworked himself, again.' He added. He had a point there. In the past, Namjoon has had several burnouts due the stress this work gave him. And now, a malfunctioning relationship was not making that any better. 'I think I will just go check on him.' Jimin said as he stood up. He slowly got up and walked upstairs to the leaders room. The atmosphere had kind of changed and felt either empty right now. For a moment Seokjin wished they could go back to their happy years, when they just started as a group. There was just too much pressure lately, and not a thing could be done unseen.

The hard footsteps made Seokjin turn around immediately. It was Jimin. The expression on his face did not look good. Not at all. 'He is gone.' Seokjin did not seem to realise it yet. He saw the others lips moving but he did not hear it. He did not want to hear it. 'What?' Hoseok stood up. 'He would never leave without telling us! Have you checked the garden?' They both walked outside as Jin remained sitting there at the kitchen table, staring in front of him. Namjoon was gone.

He was too late. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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