Hurry Up [NJ]

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Namjoon's perspective

Namjoon laughed at Jin's surprised face. He wouldn't have expected to wait for a second piece, but he had to. It was too early to give it to him now. If he would read the words, he would surely shake his head and tell him he had gotten crazy. After a while, after maybe a hundred coffee dates, he would give it, when the letters would  have almost disappeared, so only the sharp eye could discover what it said. Jin did have good eyes, that's also why he had fallen for Namjoon, he had told him once.

He was staring at him now, he was sure of it, but he knew Jin didn't mind. Slowly he squeezed the boy's soft hand, letting him know he was still conscious and that he fortunately wasn't close to falling away. He collapsed once when they were alone, that was the first time their lips actually found each other.

When he woke up at that time, a couple of hours later, the other boys were already back from their trip. Jin whispered in his ear a couple of times. It started with: "I told them we watched a horror movie and that you passed out" and then the "I want to be alone with you again" came in, followed by the words: "You are a great kisser.".

They definitely didn't have much time alone, so they also didn't kiss much, as what they actually did want to. Namjoon scraped his throat, wanting to say something, but a bit embarrassed of the memories that flushed through his mind. 'When do you think the boys get back at the hotel?' He tried to look seriously at Jin, but the brown haired boy only started smiling, and that smile turned into some kind of smirk.

'Ah, I understand. Well, I think in the evening. They said they would also eat something and they wanted to see a lot of the city because it is so peaceful here, without any fans. You want to be alone with me, don't you?'

Namjoon tried to hide his quite red face, but then nodded in agreement. 'Of course I want to be with you. I want to kiss you without collapsing and missing it all.' He chuckled nervously.

Jin also started laughing now, was it because of Namjoon's stupidity? 'You're really adorable when you laugh like that because of me.' Now he stood up, the coffee cups in front of them already empty. He took both of them, to throw them into a trashcan. Jin understood this gesture and also stood up, walking to the big exit where Namjoon was already waiting for him.

Joon wanted to grab his hand, but it wasn't safe. Even though they were in a country where almost no one recognized the uprising stars, there was paparazzi everywhere. He knew for sure a picture would already appear soon enough on the internet, with a caption that stated that Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin would have been located together. The comments on such articles were mostly from ARMY's stating that the couple was 'real', followed by their so called 'shipname' (Namjin) and some emojis. They were right, but they didn't know. It was just their fantasy, they thought. With every little thing they thought that the two had something, and Namjoon would love to tell them they were having a relationship indeed, but that was impossible. Not yet.

This road back to the hotel was going so slow, that it was killing him. He even felt the butterflies in his belly going wild. They wanted to escape, but Namjoon held them captive inside of him. He couldn't show how much he loved this boy, not here on the streets.

Finally it was there. The hotel. Namjoon quickly walked inside, but Jin instead was walking so slow, that he had to walk back to pull him inside, holding his sleeve. He didn't even great the receptionist and walked up straight to their room. The old clock was driving him all crazy again and he managed to open the door with some clumsy moves. There he pulled Jin inside and closed the door behind them. It was silent.

Their breaths were the only thing that could be heard, but Namjoon was sure his heartbeat was as loud as the clock in the hallway. 'I don't know what happened to me, I just...' Jin gestured he had to stop talking and so he did. They only looked at each other, while he kept walking closer. He laid his finger on Namjoon's pink lips and bowed towards him, till his finger slid down and their lips touched.

They were alone. Nothing could bother them. This was not a time to pass out. This was like the third time they actually kissed, but it felt like they did it a lot more often. Namjoon placed his hand in Jin's neck, so he couldn't pull back even if he wanted to. Jin opened his mouth for him, so Namjoon could slide his warm tongue in. They were playing with each other, the rapper's tongue sliding against the princess' sensitive lips to tease him. Jin smiled into the kiss, and Namjoon couldn't hold back a tiny smirk.

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