Unbreakable [NJ]

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Namjoon's perspective

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Namjoon's perspective

The movie wasn't the thing that was important right now. Namjoon felt the warm touch of Jin's arms around him. It made him thinking that this moment had to last forever, or at least, just a bit longer. With his right hand, he slowly pushed Jin's head against his chest. The boy was staring at the laptop's screen, but Namjoon could tell from the way he looked, he wasn't paying attention at all. His free hand slid to the upper side of the laptop, so he could close it. They weren't watching it anyways.

His fingers slid through Jin's soft, brown hair. Namjoon could smell his shampoo from this distance and it made him feel weak. He was staring at the beautiful boy that was laying so tight against him. He wanted to kiss his big, outstanding lips. His hands grabbed his face on both sides. Jin's cheeks felt so soft, it was as if his face was so fragile, that it could break at any moment. He pulled him up to his own, and then kissed him, something he was willing to do whenever it was possible. He was wanting him more and more, but it was not safe, not now. It was already late and the boys would be back at any moment.

He let go of Jin's face, but slid his arms around him under the blanket. It had been quiet the whole time and it was Namjoon who broke the silence. "I love you so dearly, I wish we could be together for a bit longer." Right after he had said that, he heard some laughter in the hallway and the sound of a key trying to get the door open. Quickly Namjoon opened the laptop again and resumed the movie, also taking some distance from Jin at the same time. He felt bad, but he couldn't do anything else. The boys couldn't find out. He sighed as he heard someone stumbling into the room. It was Taehyung.

"So here are the two love birds!" He shouted, while Jimin also came inside. "Really? I want to see! What are they doing?" Namjoon's heart started beating harder and faster. He made sure that everything looked normal right? No arms around each other, just a movie between some good friends.

When he looked up at Tae's face, he saw his big smirk, with his twinkling eyes. He was just joking around with the two, who were actually secretly in love. "We were just watching some movie." Jin answered. He smiled a bit at Jimin and Namjoon felt the jealousy building up inside of his body, but he knew that was just a thing that Jin did when he was lying; he smiled after he told his lie.

Namjoon stood up from the bed and glared at Jin. He gave him his I love you and I'll be there soon glare, and then he just wished Taehyung and Jin a good night. They were sleeping with each other in a room after all. That was something Namjoon didn't worry about.

Tae was so stupid to understand real love, Jin would never fall for him. He was sure of it. The only thing in which Tae could stand in the way, was with the fact that he was smart enough to find out about the two. What if he found the letters Namjoon had written for his love? Everything would be lost then. But still, Namjoon was sure Jin could take good care of the precious memories and hid them somewhere well.

With still a thousand butterflies in his belly, the rapper moved back to his room, where he would fall asleep peacefully and alone, like it had always been. He imagined what it would be like to share a room with Seokjin.

Then he probably would've already seen him naked, or maybe they even had taken showers already. Staying up late just to stare at each other and of course, giving each other teasingly little kisses for sure.

Namjoon now layed down in his cold bed. He missed Jin's touch already. He wanted to hold him and tell him how beautiful he was.

This was the first time he allowed himself to cry himself to sleep.

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