Not Enough [NJ]

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Namjoon's perspective

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Namjoon's perspective

All of the boys got into their private jet, which they finally received after a lot of whining to their manager. It was divided into two parts and Namjoon decided to sit in the front seats, where it was most likely calmer than in the back. He relaxed finally after the stressful days that he wanted to leave behind him, but could not manage to. Of course not, because Taehyung's laugh could even be heard through the music that was playing through his earphones. Namjoon was waiting for Seokjin to come and sit with him, but suddenly the motors of the plane started running and soon they were ready to fly off. No sign of Seokjin. Namjoon closed his eyes, trying to hold back the aching in his breath. He could not break down here and now. He should be strong.

When he opened his eyes, there was sitting someone in front of him, but it was not the person he had hoped it to be. Park Jimin. He mysteriously smiled at Namjoon and the elder raised an eyebrow. Jimin gestured that he had to take off his earphones. That made the leader annoyed, since the song he was listening to did not finish yet. Still, he followed Jimin's order and looked at the boy. 'Have you and Jin-hyung gotten into a fight?' He bluntly asked. Namjoon immediately looked away, which made Jimin want an answer even more now. The elder of the two took a deep breath, finally speaking. 'No, we are completely fine, why are you asking?' He sounded serious and cold, not the way it was supposed to come out. Jimin shrugged and stood up again. 'All right, mister grumpy. You just seem distant, that's all.' The boy walked away to the other section in the back, leaving Namjoon alone again.

Jimin had been partly right. It seemed like Namjoon and Seokjin were drifting apart, but that was none of their fault. Taehyung was the one that was causing all this, that was trying to rip them and try to be with Jin instead. It was so sick, so unacceptable, but it could not be fixed either, without anyone finding out about the truth. It was difficult and it was slowly making Namjoon just wanting to give up, since his heart was getting weak. He closed his eyes once more, trying to hold back his tears once again. He was not strong. That was another secret that could be added onto that long list.

The leader had slept the whole journey and woke up when the plane was about to land. There was still no one here. The other members had probably just left him alone out of respect towards him, but they did not realise it was something that made him feel even more vulnerable. He sighed and unbuckled his seatbelt when the plane had safely reached the grounds of South Korea. His wobbly legs brought him to the exit, as he heard some of the boys laugh about an ancient joke behind him. 'Namjoon, wait for us!' Hoseok called.

Finally, he looked back at the six boys that each meant a lot to him. Some more than others. Namjoon waited for Hoseok that was last in line. Taehyung slid past him, giving him this look that was filled with confidence. Soon Seokjin followed, that purposely ignored the leader's gaze. He was confused. This morning Jin had still kept him company and had reassured him everything was going to be fine, but now it felt like they were worlds apart. Did something happen in such a short time, or was it some kind of act to distract Taehyung? Joon decided it was for the best and to not worry about things. He straightened his back when Hobi finally reached him. They walked over to the limousine together, when his friend mumbled something in his ear quickly. 'Taehyung is being a complete jerk all of sudden.' They did not have time to talk about it, since they were forced to sit with each other anyways.

On their way to their big dorm, there was not even a real conversation. Jungkook and Yoongi were joking around and some of the boys were messing with each other, but Namjoon and also Seokjin remained silent. Finally, after a time that seemed to be taking forever, they reached the destination. Their suitcases and all their stuff had already arrived as well, it being brought to their different rooms. The boys got out of the huge vehicle and made their way inside. Here some of them immediately plopped down on the couch, exhausted from the trip. Here in South Korea, it was already nighttime, but the boys suffering from a jetlag, were not tired at all. They would probably spend their time in front of the television playing games, in which Jungkook would be the absolute winner. Namjoon still did not feel like socialising and wanted to go to his room immediately and on his way upstairs, someone was stopping him. Taehyung.

'What do you need?' The elder asked with a pretty cold voice, wanting to be left alone right now. Taehyung grinned, giving him a mean look and looked around the place before he answered. 'If you are just going to ignore Seokjin and not even try, he is going to be mine soon, Joon. You better do your best; you do not want him to fall for me, do you?' His blood was boiling and his expression could not be more expressive of the anger he was feeling, but Namjoon could not start a fight. He needed to hold back to prevent a drama in the house, and Taehyung knew that, that asshole. The leader ran upstairs to hide himself somewhere in his room, thinking and thinking.

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