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Dark nights, silent streets and snow; that was all I could tell about my journey home. I pushed my jacket higher to my chin and shivered. It was only logical that no one was out at this hour and with this weather, but I didn't mind. I felt calm; the wind was silently blowing and rushing through the trees. My hands were wrapped in gloves and I had a black scarf around my neck. I was looking down and counted the seconds until I would come home.

Suddenly, I noticed that there were other footsteps in the snow. I looked up and saw a small bench on the side of the road. The layer of snow wasn't that high yet, so I sat down on it and sighed. I had been walking for an hour already, a five minute break wouldn't matter. I felt the snow melt under the warmth of my body and I closed my eyes to feel the snow fall on my warm nose. I counted and counted until I forgot what came after fifty-eight.

'You look cold,' a voice said next to me. I quickly sat up and remebered where I was. I pushed the arm of my jacket up and looked at the time. One o'clock. My curfew was 12.30.

I was officially screwed.

'I know, it's snowing,' I said. He let out a small chuckle and I finally looked at him.

His warm brown eyes were staring at me and his black hair was hid under his hoody. His brown-ish skin looked like it had lost it's color due to the weather, but he still looked a million times better than I did with my pale skin. I pulled my scarf off and laid it on the bench to be able to breathe freely.

'Smart one now are we?'

I nodded and looked away, a small blush appearing on my cheeks. I felt that my muscles were stiff and started to jump up and down. Then I realized I was wasting my time by warming up while I should've been home half an hour ago. I looked back at the boy on the bench and smiled. Then I started to run away. I was already halfway the street when I heard his voice call me.

'Wait, you forgot your scarf!' he yelled. I didn't have time to go back so I yelled, 'You can keep it!'

Maybe I should have gone back, because running without a scarf wasn't the most ideal situation. Not at all.


Okay guys, I couldn't keep it any longer. I am so excited to post my new story! This is a story which means a lot to me and I hve put a lot of work into making this story. It's emotional to write for me, but that's what I love about this story. I hope you guys will like it. :D

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