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The hours passed by and I still sat here in this chair. I had to have a lot of patience to wait until everyone was done and they evaluated everyone. The last part took too long and I was noticeably losing my patience. My mother was probably waiting anxiously in the car for the outcome, while I wasn't so excited for it anymore. I didn't know whether or not I fit in here; the girls all seemed so determined. So fierce, while I only was a copy of my sister.

Ari had left the room lastly, a big smile on her face and a happy dance that followed. 'They told me I was the best they had seen today,' she exclaimed excitedly. 'Gosh, if that doesn't mean anything than I don't know what will.' She sank down in her chair and softly slapped her stomach.

'All those hours of training and dieting finally pay off.' She turned to me and her smile faded. 'I shouldn't be too excited before they actually pick me, should I?'

I reassuringly smiled at her and shook my head. 'You can be as happy as you want, they would be crazy not to pick the best one.'

Her smile reappeared and she was basically bouncing up and down in her chair. I silently laughed at her and shook my head. If we would get picked together, I could already see us becoming great friends.

The door suddenly opened and the man who took our auditions stepped inside, the woman shortly after him. He held a board in his hands where I knew the names of the chosen models were written down. Of course, after hours of waiting they had to make it even more nerve-wrecking.

'After seeing all of you seven today, we've made our decision. Some had all that we wanted,' his eye fell on Ari who beamed excitedly, 'and some didn't.' He looked around the room and smiled.

'If we don't pick you, don't be discouraged. There are millions of other companies who might want to give you another chance.' He stopped smiling and looked at his board.

'So the names of the three girls we chose are Ari, Sasha and Victoria.'
I locked eyes with Ari and we held back from screaming our lungs out. We burst with energy while at the other side of the room a girl burst into tears.

'Victoria, you know what we said to you. You've got a lot of work to do,' the man reminded me.

I nodded my head and smiled at him, holding back the sinking feeling in my stomach.

A beautiful black-haired girl came walking our way and she stuck out her hand for me. 'Sasha, nice to meet you.' I shook her hand and smiled.

'Victoria,' I said. Sasha let go of my hand and smiled back at me.

'Gosh, that man can be a pain in the ass. He didn't have to call you out like that, he just burst your bubble.'

I laughed a little and swallowed. 'Oh, don't you worry, my bubble can't be burst today.'

Ari joined my side and swung her arm over my shoulder. She looked at Sasha and nodded.

'We need to make a group chat and keep contact, we might learn a lot from each other.'

Sasha and I both nodded and smiled at each other. The three of us walked out and while I was happy I got chosen, in the back of my mind I was reminded that it could possibly be only because of my sister.

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