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'Turn around,' the man told me.

I hesitantly did what he told me, before I remembered that I shouldn't hesitate.

'I see that you're a Sinclair. I remember that we had another one before. What was her name again?'

I swallowed hardly. 'Caitlyn sir,' I then said silently.

He nodded his head and smiled at me. 'Ah, Caitlyn. She was a real diamond, wasn't she? It looks like you have the same qualities, just there is something missing that she did have. I just can't put my finger on it.' He gestured for me to do 'the' walk and I did, without failing nor hesitating. I smiled at the other woman that was sitting behind the desk, then turned around, swung my hips and walked back to the man.

'Now I see,' he muttered, 'you lack charisma. Confidence. That was one thing that made Caitlyn special. Not only that, it is also a crucial thing in the modeling industry.'

I looked him right in the eye and tried to show him I was confident too and he nodded his head again. He looked away from me and made eye contact with the other woman. She nodded her head and wrote something down on her board.

'Now, we aren't here to compare you to your sister. You have something, something special and we might want to take the chance with you and mold you into a diamond.' He smiled for the first time that I was in this room and looked me up and down once more.

'Just know that if we choose you, you've got a lot of work to do.'

I nodded my head and looked at the woman again.'Thank you sir,' I said as I straightened my shoulders. 'I'll be looking forward to hear from you again. Thank you for giving me this opportunity and I would do anything to get this chance.' The man had a knowing smile on his face and shook my hand. I walked over to the woman and shook her hand too. Then the man showed me the door and as soon as I stepped through it, I let out a loud breath. Six pairs of eyes now rested on me, all with burning curiousness and fear.

I looked at all of them individually and decided to keep my mouth shut. I sat down in one of the chairs again next to Ari, who now was fiddling with her hands. A soft grumbling sound was heard and I looked up to her with a raised eyebrow. A blush tinted her cheeks and she apologetically looked at me.

'Sorry for that, it was quite distasteful,' she mumbled.

I just shook my head and smiled.
'Don't worry about it. Would you like to have something to drink?' She shook her head and looked down.

'Can't look bloated for them, now can we?'

I nodded understandingly and sank down a little further into my seat. Everyone around here really wanted this chance. Everyone has trained and fought to even be here, so then what would make me special?

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