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'You like to sit here, don't you?' I asked slowly as I sat down next to him. 'This is the second time we meet under these circumstances.'

He smiled up at me and nodded.'This is the best place to clear my mind a bit. You know, when things get out of hand.' I nodded and rubbed my hands together. We silently sat down next to each other, both lost in thoughts. He turned to me and his words pulled me out of my dream world.

'Last time I didn't get your name.'

I rolled my eyes and smiled. 'It's Victoria.'

He nodded his head and looked away. 'Mason.'

I also nodded and then looked to the front again. The snow was starting to fall harder out of the sky and it was getting colder. Mason suddenly handed my something and as soon as I grabbed it I realized that it was my scarf.

'You forgot this one,' he reminded me. I shook my head and pushed it back towards him.

'I didn't forget it. I told you, you can keep it.'

He shook his head but I insisted on it.

'See it as our little promise.'

He looked at me weirdly as I stood up and smiled down at him. 'What kind of promise?'

'The promise of keeping each other warm.' I walked away and shook my head at my words. I barely knew the guy, yet I couldn't help but feel a huge attraction towards him.

Maybe it was his charisma. Something I lacked.

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