2:the Host Club dog

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"Max! Such a beautiful name for a beautiful princess!" He says. "Now, who would you like to request? I suggest the princely type" he places his hand under my chin again.

"Nuh uh boss"

"She's ours" the twins say dragging me over to what I assume is their area.

"So Max what do you like to do for fun?" The one on the right asks throwing his arm around me.


"What kind of stuff?" The other asks, doing the same thing as his twin.

I slouch down on the couch crossing my arms, a tick mark visible on my forehead. Don't they know anything about personal space?


I sit up and turn to the loud noise. Haruhi knocked over an expensive vase. She's in trouble. I get up and walk over to see what's going on.

Long story short Haruhi now has a debt that she needs to repay by working for the club. Fun.

"Haruhi I'll help, I can't just give you that money cause my parents would be really mad, but I can help in any way I can" I say throwing my arm around her shoulder.

"Thanks Max" she smiles.


The hosts had us running a lot of errands, although that's what you'd expect being the errand boy and all. Anyway we come back after getting some groceries, I go put them away while Haruhi is dragged away by Tamaki.

I walk back out to an announcement from Tamaki. "From now on you will be a host!"

Everybody stands in silence, and I burst out laughing, knowing Haruhi's true gender. Hahaha, a girl as a host, haha, and HARUHI! Everybody looks at me thinking I lost it, but I regain my composure. "Sorry guys, haha, I'm good now" I say letting a couple chuckles slip.

I sit away from the crowd and watch Haruhi start her new job as a host. I can't believe they let her be a host. Like, she's a she... how stupid are these guys?

"Ahhh" I hear a scream coming from where Haruhi was sitting. I run over and find the table toppled over with Haruhi on top of one of the guests, drenched in water by the twins.

Turns out the girl, one of Tamaki's regulars, was jealous so she started the 'fight' with Haruhi. It ended with her being banned and my best friend having to obtain 1000 customers instead of 100. Great, even more work.

"C'mon Haruhi, don't want to stay in those clothes too long" I say helping her up and dragging her to a change room. Kyoya gave her some clothes to change into.

"I'll be outside waiting" I tell her and go outside the room.

I move over to the side a bit to text my mom telling her where I was. While doing so I didn't notice Tamaki walk in on Haruhi changing. I hear a high pitched scream, not from Haruhi, and run into the room. Welp, now everyone knows.

"I think this may be the beginning of love" Kyoya says to the rest of the club. I shake my head, with a smirk on my face, agreeing.

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