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My class decided to have a test-of-courage for Halloween. We'll all be on teams and we have to do our best to scare the other teams and the losing team will be featured on the front page of the school newspaper.

"Hey Max, Haruhi want to be on our team?" The twins ask

"Sure but Soga already asked me, is it ok if he joins us?"

Soga is one of our classmates, he has a fear of the dark. He asked me and Haruhi to help him, and being the nice people we are, agreed.

That night we enter the school. It was dark. We see a witch on the steps and everybody runs a different direction. Haruhi, Soga and Kaoru run one way while Hikaru runs the other. I just wave at the ghost, knowing it was fake. I decide to look for Hikaru, since he's all alone. Haruhi has Kaoru and Soga they should be fine.

I wander around for a bit until I hear Hikaru yelling Kaoru's name. He comes running around the corner and bangs into me. We both fall, making us land on a trap that has been set. We end up in a net, dangling from the ground.

Hikaru was still on top of me. "Umm, could you move off of me?" I ask him.

He seems to notice his position and moves, or tries to move off of me and I frantically try fixing my dress, since it rose up. He ends up sitting across from me, our legs overlapping one another, not having much space in the net. Hikaru starts freaking out because his twin is not there.

"Calm down Hikaru, he's with Haruhi" I try to calm him down, but it doesn't work.

I jump on top off of him, locking his arms to the net getting his attention. "You need to stop. He isn't in any danger. This is just the class trying to mess with us" I reassure him.

He nods and starts to blush because of our close proximity. I lean back, getting off of him and cross my arms while closing my eyes.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't we be trying to escape?" He asks.

"No use. I don't have anything to get us out plus we'll be found soon enough. A hunter always goes back to check their traps"

He starts to worry about the last thing I said. I open one eye and smirk at him. "You know I'm just kidding right? But someone will come looking for us"

He started shuffling around in his spot, seemingly anxious. "What is it now?" I ask.

"I just really need to see Kaoru"

I sigh. "Listen, I get it. You have never been separated from him, ever. You'll see him soon, just relax" I say putting a hand on his shoulder. He stops moving and gives me a small smile.

I look around, trying to find any sort of weak spot in the net. I find one, at the top, and try standing up to undo it. Hikaru then starts moving around making me lose my balance and fall on him. I was in his lap, and my dress rose up once again, revealing my upper thigh.

He blushes at the contact and I hurriedly fix my dress, not noticing how close we were. I really shouldn't of worn a dress today. After fixing my dress I look over at Hikaru to find we were really close. I quickly get off of him and back over to my side.

"Sorry" I mumble without making eye contact.

"It's ok" he answers.

We decide to just sit in silence until we are saved. Eventually the rest of the Host club shows up and after telling us the plan they made up, let us down from the net. They get on my nerves so much, but I guess it's just who they are.

Different Person (Hikaru x OC)Where stories live. Discover now