5:the new manager

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Renge whatever-her-last-name-is. The new, self appointed manager of the Host club. She claims to be Kyoya's fiancé but Kyoya cleared it up. Turns out she's an otaku and he looks like the character in the game she's in love with.

She decided to film a movie. About the Host club. Except they aren't themselves. She changed everybody's character besides Kyoya's, since he is 'already perfect', and mine isn't going to be a big difference in who I really am, she seems to actually like me unlike the rest of the club.

"Tamaki" she points to him, "you will be the lonely prince. Honey, the baby-faced thug. Haruhi, the bully's target. Mori, Honey's childhood flunkie. The twins, neurotic sports stars" wow, she clearly has this all figured out.

"Max, don't think I've forgotten about you" she smiles and my eyes widen. Oh no. "You will be the manager of the sport stars who is also in love with both of them! And I have the perfect outfit for you!" I face palm. Why?

"So Max, which one of us do you love" the twins come over to me and stand very close to me.

"Apparently the both of you" I cross my arms and step back, but they follow, smiling deviously.

"Alright everybody! Places!" Few, thanks Renge.

It was finally time for my shot with the twins. I was in a red business suit while the twins were in basketball uniforms. Kaoru was supposed to get hurt and Hikaru was supposed to be really sad and I had to make it look like I loved them. So I followed the description of my character.

"Kaoru are you ok?" Hikaru asks. I rush over with a medical kit.

"Oh my god Kaoru, I can't let you play anymore. You're too injured" I look him in the eye, trying to look as caring as I can.

"I'm fine" he stands up, trying to look fine but he isn't. I slip his arm over my shoulder.

"Hikaru, you get back to the game, you're the only one who can do this now. I'll get Kaoru somewhere he can rest up" I say putting my other arm around Kaoru's waist, preparing myself to walk with him alongside me.

"And cut!" Renge scream. "Great job guys! Especially you Max! I never knew you could act so well!" Why does she have to scream everything, she's like Tamaki. "Alright, Tamaki, your turn!"

I sit in my seat, watching Tamaki's scene. Kaoru and Hikaru sit on either side of me.

"I never knew you could act" Kaoru says

"Yeah, you looked so realistic. It actually looked like you were in love with us" Hikaru says the last part smirking.

"You wish" I scoff, then walk around for a bit.

I see Haruhi with Renge who's talking to some guys. I get closer and notice the guys are about to push Renge into the wall. Haruhi slips in between them but before she comes in contact with the wall I slip in behind her, to try and lessen the damage.

The others came rushing over helping everybody out. Hikaru and Kaoru helped me while Tamaki helped Haruhi. We hear a smash and see Kyoya breaking a camera lens. Guess he's finally done with the whole film thing.

"Are you ok? You took quite a hit" Hikaru asks in almost a caring manner. Him and Kaoru were holding me up, with my arms around their shoulders, dragging me back to my seat.

"Yeah guys, I'm fine. I think Haruhi took most of the hit" I smile at them showing I'm fine.

Turns out if you edit a film you can sell it for a lot of money. That's what Kyoya did, the guests loved the movie, with a bit of editing. He will never understand that other people may not agree with his decisions, like me.

Different Person (Hikaru x OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora