6:Pink and Blue

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"Hey Haruhi, can we come over?" The twins ask.


"How about we play the which one is Hikaru game! If you lose we get to come over"

I walk over as they ask who's Hikaru. I look the twins in the eyes as I say their names, "Hikaru, Kaoru, leave her alone"

They seem shocked. "You can tell who is who?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be able to"

"It isn't that hard guys" Haruhi adds.

We go on about our day not knowing what was going to happen.


Pink and Blue. The twins died their hair, pink and blue. They really are taking this feud to a whole new level. The fighting goes on all day in school, which gets really annoying having to hear about it in every one of your classes.

We were in the music room, everyone was trying to figure out how to fix it. Meanwhile, I was thinking of what was actually going on. The twins never fight, and they would never fight over something like this. Just being told apart, wouldn't they want someone to be able to do that?

The twins entered the room, still fighting. One of the twins tries to curse the other with a Beelzenef doll. Haruhi snatches it from their hand and tells them they've gone too far and they need to make up.

"So your saying if we make up we can visit your house"

My eyes widen. I knew it! They would never fight, unless it was to get something they want.

"Haruhi don't do it!" I say, trying to make sure she doesn't agree to anything but it's too late.

The twins hugged each other. Haruhi stands in shock, not knowing what just happened. I race over and tell her what they planned and she gets mad. I try to calm her down. The twins just come up behind me, very closely I must add, and whisper in my ears.

"Why don't we visit your house too?"

I roll my eyes and push them away. "No"

They pout, but accept my answer not wanting to make me mad.


"Hey Haruhi, Max, wanna play a game?"

"Fine, if it will get you two away from me" I say

"It's the which one is Hikaru game!"

"Do you think just because you switched the colour of your hair I won't be able to tell who is who? I know you guys are just trying to trick me" I cross my arms knowing I was right.

They look at me completely shocked. Their mouths hang open, and they stand there wondering how I am able to tell the difference.

"Guys, we know who is who, hair colour won't change anything" Haruhi adds.

The twins get out of their little state and Haruhi goes back to talking to the girls. I turn around, walking away slowly and hear the twins murmur to themselves, "Does someone else truly understand us?"

Different Person (Hikaru x OC)Where stories live. Discover now