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Tamaki disappeared. Haruhi told me that he was in an arranged marriage with some girl named Éclair. She is wealthy and powerful but selfish. Tamaki doesn't deserve this. Haruhi also told me about what happened with his mother, how his mother is sick and if Tamaki doesn't listen to his grandmother she could stop providing his mom with medication.

His grandmother also forced him to dissolve the Host club at the end of the festival. I can't believe we have to go our separate ways. We're all so close, it's like ripping a family apart. Exactly what she's doing with Tamaki's real family.

Lady Éclair paid off Haruhi's debt, allowing her to leave. Which meant I was free to leave too, but like I said earlier we're a family, we don't want to lose each other.

The time has finally come. Tamaki was leaving for the airport with Éclair. The Host club is now officially separated. Yoshio Ootori, Kyoya's father, sent his police force to make sure we didn't interfere. Kyoya, Honey and Mori stayed behind to battle the police while me, Kaoru, Hikaru and Haruhi drove a horse drawn carriage to stop Tamaki.

On the way our carriage crashes and Hikaru gets hurt. Me, Kaoru and Hikaru stay behind while Haruhi races against time to get to Tamaki.

"Hikaru are you sure you're okay?" Kaoru asks.

"Don't worry Kaoru. He'll just need a sling" I say. I rip off a part of my dress to use as a sling. The Host club had me wear it since it "matched" the other uniforms. I wrap it around his arm.

"Your dress..." Hikaru says.

"Don't worry, I have more at home" I finish tying it and sit back.

"Kaoru, I think you should go get some help. You're faster and know the way better than me"

He immediately runs off looking for help, meanwhile I help Hikaru get more comfortable.

"Thanks. You seem to know what you're doing"

"I just took one first aid course, nothing special"

He looks at me thoughtfully. "What?" I ask.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about what's gonna happen"

I take his uninjured hand in mine. "Don't worry. Everything is going to work out. Haruhi will get Tamaki back, we will be a club again" I look in his eyes, meaning every word I say.

He squeezes my hand. "Let's hope you're right"

I look around, waiting for Kaoru to get back with help. When I turn back to Hikaru he's staring at me. "What is it now?"

"We're all going to be going our separate ways eventually. Even me and Kaoru"

"Don't think about that yet. You still have a couple years until we graduate. Me, Kaoru and Haruhi will most likely be in the same class as you"

We stare at each other for a while, having a moment, and Kaoru finally arrives with Kyoya, Mori and Honey. We hop in their limo and drive ahead to find Haruhi and Tamaki. They jumped off the bridge and ended up on the shoreline. We met them there and I hug Haruhi.

"Haruhi I'm so happy you stopped him. Especially since I know how you feel about him" I say in Haruhi's ear while hugging her.

We pull away and she blushes at what I said then looks over at Tamaki, who is currently talking to Kyoya. I nudge her shoulder with a wink and go back to the limo with the rest of the club. Time to get back for the party.

Different Person (Hikaru x OC)Where stories live. Discover now