11:Zuka club

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The Lobelia girls managed to kidnap me and Haruhi. They brought us to their academy and somehow convinced both of us to fill in for two of the main characters, there are like 3, because the former actors are "injured".

Haruhi, wasn't doing so well at the practice and everyone could tell. She had to lip sync since she wasn't that good of a singer and her acting, well it looked completely fake. But when I had my performance everyone seemed to love it.

"On my gosh Max! I didn't know you could act!" One of the girls says.

"I didn't either" I mumble under my breath.

We practice for about three more hours, mainly Haruhi though since she needs the practice. Then one of the girls trips over the power cord for the stereo, and Haruhi is left lip syncing to nothing.

"Alright I think you've done amazing Haruhi, you're free to go. But Max I want you to practice once more"

I get into my spot acting out my scene. There was a man and woman in love. The leader of the Zuka club, Benibara, was the man and Haruhi was the woman. I was the character who was in love with the man, but the man loved Haruhi's character. In the end Haruhi and Benibara are supposed to kiss but I sneak in and Haruhi rejects Benibara which leads Benibara to come after me. It's confusing, but not at the same time, sorta.

"But I love you" I say my last line, which comes before Haruhi enters to talk to Benibara.

A grand applause is heard throughout the room. "Beautiful, just stupendous Max!"

I bow and leave. Can't wait until this is done and I can go back to ouran. But it will be fun to be a big part in the play or whatever it is called.


The show goes off without a hitch, sort of. Haruhi has some trouble but seems to be doing the best she can. I go on whenever it's my turn. The last scene, we're almost done. I go on saying my lines, then Haruhi comes on and I go to the background pretending to watch when in reality I'm wondering what the Host club and Haruhi's father were doing in the audience.

I sneak up behind the other actors, getting ready for the last part. Haruhi was being dipped by Benibara getting ready for the first kiss scene. Everything was going smoothly until the Host club ran up on stage and chaos occurred. Me and Haruhi were stuck on some sort of mechanism with Benibara. Benibara planned on stealing our first kisses.

"Haruhi, jump!" Tamaki screams. I yank her out of Benibara's arms and toss her down to Tamaki. Benibara then grabs me. "Don't worry fair maiden, I haven't forgotten about you" she dips me and leans in for a kiss.

Oh no, no way my first kiss is being stolen by her. I scramble out of her arms and run around the platform. "Jump!" I hear them yell below me. I stop at the edge and look down. That's a long drop, this might be the end of me.

I jump, preparing myself to die, my dress floats around me. Good thing I have pants on underneath. I land in someone's arms. I'm alive! I open my eyes and find the twins holding me, I smile at them in thanks. They put me down and everyone chases after one another.

The Host club manages to sneak out through a fire exit. Me and Haruhi stand in our big dresses. I remove my heels, finding them really uncomfy.

"Glad to have you back Max" Kaoru throws an arm around my shoulder.

"I like that look on you by the way" Hikaru puts an arm around my waist with a hint of red on his face, not looking me in the eye.

I put my arms around them "Thanks guys, I'd probably be dead if it weren't for you" I say with a small laugh.

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