4:Supporting cast

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"Haruhi what are you going to pick?" I ask.

Right now we were in a garden, hosting some sort of event. Me, Honey, Mori and Haruhi were wearing kimonos while the others were in servant outfits. Me and Haruhi were picking our elective courses, it was hard to pick since there were so many to choose from.

"I don't know yet"

"Hey Haruhi and Max" the twins come over, Hikaru wraps his arm around my shoulders and Kaoru grabs Haruhi's hand.

"Did you guys pick your elective courses yet?"

"No, we were just talking about it" I say, trying to pry Hikaru's arm off of me, it wouldn't budge. I really am weak, or he's really strong.

"What about conversational French?"

"Well it would be an easy class for me. I'm already fluent in French"

"HARUHI! MAX! You need to stop hanging around those shady twins!"

I just stare at him blankly, not understanding what he means. He starts shaking Haruhi saying something about her being more feminine and hanging around girls. Wow, I'm offended.

"She's gonna be found out soon enough, physical exams are coming up" the twins say.

Everyone starts freaking out, I just stand back and watch the commotion. The club can be really overreactive sometimes.


"Tamaki stop daydreaming about Haruhi" I say with my hands on my hips.

He seems to come out of his daydream and rambles on about how we're in an anime. Weird. He then goes on about how the rest of the club, minus me since I'm the "daughter" of the leading cast, are the homosexual support.

Haruhi then peeks in the door. Tamaki rushes up to her and tells her he's going to make sure she doesn't get found out.

The club makes up a big plan, and all I can think is how stupid it is. Why does he think this will work? Oh, I bet the twins did something.

During physical exams everyone went to their separate areas. I finish my exam and try to find Haruhi. I see a big crowd of people in front of one section, the twins were having their exam done. They were doing it in front of the curtain, allowing the girls to watch. I sweat drop, why do they have to do this here? There's a reason they have the curtains.

I just cross my arms, waiting for them to be finished so we could continue the plan. I turn around and find another group of girls. Maybe this is where Haruhi should be, it makes sense after all with the big crowd. I stand behind the big crowd waiting.

I feel a pressure on both of my shoulders. I look from side to side and find the twins, shirtless, leaning on me. They looked like they were trying to suppress their snickers. I look at them about to talk and they shush me.

Tamaki walks out wearing a wig. Is he supposed to be Haruhi? Me and the twins burst out laughing, wondering how he could've fallen for it.

"That's what you get for calling us homo supporting cast" the twins announce.

I was too busy laughing to add anything. After I finished laughing we headed over to Haruhi's real exam area. There was a big commotion about a fake doctor who was looking for his daughter, but it turns out he had the wrong school. Anyway Haruhi continued with her exam and we all left.

I walk down the hall, wanting to have a nap on one of the sofas in the music room. Someone walks up to my side.

"Where are you heading now?" Hikaru asks.

"Going for a nap" I say with a yawn.

He laughs. Why is he still shirtless? He was walking down the hall by my side with no shirt on. Who does that? He walked with me back to the music room and finally put on his shirt. I laid down on a couch.

"Hey Hikaru, can you wake me in an hour?"

"Sure" he says then I fall asleep.

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