8:Beach time

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"What are the guests doing here?" Haruhi asks.

"I invited them" Kyoya answers.

She sighs. "Of course you did"

I was currently sitting under an umbrella on the beach. Everybody was doing their own thing. I was relaxing until I heard the twins ask me, "Hey Max, do you know what Haruhi's afraid of?"

"Yes. And I will not tell you"

"What about you. Are you scared of anything?"

"If I was I wouldn't tell you. By the way, why do you want to know mine and Haruhi's fears?" I ask sitting up on my elbows. I do know what she's afraid of, she has Astraphobia. A fear of thunder and lightning.

"We came up with a-" Hikaru covers Kaoru'a mouth.

"It's a secret" he says.

Great. I better find Haruhi and tell her they're up to something. I do so and she thanks me, for telling her in advance.


The day is a long one, especially with all the hosts trying to figure out our fears. Me and Haruhi sneak away to the other end of the beach. There were some girls hanging out on a rock, so I join them. They were actually pretty cool, I thought they would've been snobby and obnoxious.

"What do we have here?" I hear someone ask.

I turn around, along with the other girls and find some drunk guys. Isn't this a private beach? How'd they get here? They start trying to get their hands on the girls, plus me, but Haruhi interrupts them.

The guys start to get mad and hold Haruhi over the edge of the cliff. "NO!" I scream, but it's too late. She was in the water before I knew it, and so was I. I dove in after her, but before I hit the water I heard the Host club coming to help.

I bring Haruhi up to shore after finding her. Tamaki immediately takes her out of my hands and tries to wake her. When she does, he starts yelling at her, in a caring-ish way. Haruhi walks away angrily and I follow after her.

Haruhi and Tamaki avoid each other for the rest of the day. Man, it's gonna be so awkward at lunch. I was right. Haruhi was eating in a very unladylike way, which was making Tamaki mad. Haruhi, having eaten more than she could handle, asked Kyoya to show her the way to the nearest bathroom. They disappear and Tamaki decides to confront me.

"Why didn't you come get help? You could've been hurt along with Haruhi. It would've been safer if you let me dive in the water instead"

I just look at him and stop eating, having suddenly lost my appetite. "Are you serious? There was nothing else I could do except jump in after Haruhi! Who knows if you would've made it in time. If I didn't dive in she definitely would've died! Plus I'm a lifeguard so I know how to save someone!" I yell at him.

The room goes dead silent. Tamaki stands up and leaves, not saying another word. I lean back, crossing my arms.

"He's right" Kaoru says. I look at him, waiting for him to continue, but Hikaru speaks up.

"Diving in after Haruhi may have been the right thing, but you still could've been hurt by those men" He says placing a hand on my shoulder.

"If you'll excuse me, i'd like to get some rest" I say standing up, pushing out my seat.

I walk around trying to find my room, I look in one room thinking it was mine and end up finding Haruhi and Tamaki in the room. During all the chaos I didn't notice the thunderstorm.

The other hosts appear behind me and notice Haruhi with a blindfold on and something in her ears. Aww, is he trying to help her not notice the storm? That's so sweet, considering he was just yelling at her a while ago.

"Boss, we didn't know"

"You were into those type of things" the twins say, finally making our presence visible.

I start laughing at their remark. The twins can be hilarious at times. Everyone looks at me thinking I lost it, yet again, but I don't care. It's nice to know someone cares about Haruhi. Obviously I do, but I would never be able to think of something like this.

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