Chapter 2 ✅

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Annabeth was the first to show up rushing through the front door. She tried to shut the door behind her as she ran in, which slams shut causing Gover to look over at the suspect with a flabbergasted expression.

"Hey, Grover. I heard you needed me. What happened?" She said, a slight expression of concern plastered on her face.

"I'll announce when everyone gets here." Grover said flatly.

"Well, oka-."

Suddenly, Tyson burst through the door with Nico followed close behind. His black clothes dirty with mud. Tyson walk over to Annabeth and smile widely at her. She smiles back small.

"So what's wrong?" Tyson asks, his eye blink or wink from time to time.

"What's the emergency? Another quest? Whatever it is we're on it." Tyson said, panting a little from running.

"It's Percy, actually," Grover announced. "I think he's sick, but this is not just a normal sickness." He waved them over to the infirmary.

He had to pray that no one will see the four passing by or they'll ask questions. Tyson, Nico, and Annabeth took a long look around and gasped at what looked like the effect of getting out of a swimming pool. Everything was wet. Percy lay on his side curled up on his bed unmoving, with a look of pain on his face. His hands clenching at his stomach.

"Well this explains the waves in the ocean." Annabeth touches a nearby object that seems to be dripping with water.

Nico walked up to Percy's bed and looked at him worriedly, then grabbed his wet hand and instantly tries to relax him.

"What do you think it is?" Annabeth asked Grover without taking her eyes off of Percy.

"Who knows it could be anything." He replied quietly.

They all just watched for a while. When Grover heard a sound from outside. He stiffened and waited to hear it again. This time it came louder, and they all heard it. With one quick gesture from Grover, they all ran out the door and heading to the possible intruder. Then paused at what they saw.

A women stood at the door of the infirmary smiling spotly at them. She had long dirty blonde hair dangling down past her waist. Her skin was pale, but not untouched by the sun, and her eyes were an unbelievable color that no one can explain. She wore a long white sleeveless dress with gold accessories all over her. But then they suddenly noticed how she somehow cleaned up all the water.

"Sorry I dropped by without calling but it sounded like you could use a clue to your friend Percy's illness." She smirked.

Annabeth pulled out her sword in a fighting stance. "Who are you and what have you done to Percy?"

"Oh, Annabeth daughter of Athena. I'm hurt you don't recognize me. I'm Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. Oh, and I really was coming to check up on Percy, but now that you're all here, I guess it's not going to be a surprise anymore."

"Well, you have 5 minutes to explain this surprise" Nico growled, not afraid of the goddess.

"Alright, alright. Calm your heat son of Hades"

At first they were wary, but after a quick argument they agreed to let her in as long they watched her. So they led her to Percy, Grover right behind her. When she caught sight of Percy who was passed out cold. She started to reach out to Percy, but was stopped by Annabeth.

"We said you could look but not touch, remember?" She said boldly.

"I promise not to harm him at all just let me do this." The first serious thing she said, since coming here.

She proceeded to lay her hand gently on Percy's stomach. Aphrodite whispered something in Greek, and on her last word her hand glowed a bright pastel baby blue. Quickly reminding Tyson of the sky. She took her hand off and seem to have sighed a sigh of relief.

"Well?" Tyson asked.

"They're both fine and healthy. Nothing to worry about, Percy's pain was only minor turbulence." She calmly said, with a smile.

"Both, what do mean by that?" Tyson scratched at his head.

"It's quite a long story, I'll try to make this short."

"No please take all the time you need." Nico glared, waiting for an answer.

"Alright. As you probably know, I am the god of love and beauty. Well, I am also the goddess of childbirth, and sexual passion. But I am fertility through the act of sexual intercourse. Which, I was helping a lady I saw one day sobbing because she found out she couldn't bare children. So I said a spell to help her, but Percy was there that day too and I guess the spell accidentally went to the wrong person. What I had not thought of was the power each possessed. Only souls who were pure and strong could bare the brunt of the spell. Due to Percy's strong soul he was impregnated. But for it to be complete I devised a plan that I thought could fix the situation. My plan was, that if Percy could withstand the brunt of the spell I cast. Then maybe he could handle it whole. I know it was a reckless and desperate thing to do, but only doing half of it could possibly kill him. I followed him the day after the plan was made, slowly cornering him into a nearby forest. Once I had him in my element, I ambushed him and took him to any water near. Then I finished the spell on him and it absorbed into his stomach. Even though I did it, I truly hate myself for doing it, but before he passed out I erased that part of his memory, then left him in a pond."

None of the demigods or satyr looked amused, so Nico who grabbed her long hair and yanked it hard and demanded a further explanation.

"That still doesn't tell me why he is like this." He growled low into her ear. Annabeth quickly yanked Nico off of her and to her side.

"Well, the funny story about that is-"

"Just get to the point already" Nico said holding back the urge to fight.

"Okay. So after my check of his vital organs, it would seem that the spell have nestled itself in its place between his lower intestines and the flesh and muscle of his stomach, but is slowly growing"

"So in other words." Tyson gestures to carry on.

"Percy Jackson is pregnant."

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