Chapter 6 ✅

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It was early morning when they got back. They assumed it would be okay to just quietly sneak the stuff in Nico's cabin since nobody dares to go into the son of Hades' cabin without permission and then go park the truck, but they guest luck wasn't on their side because the furniture was to big to fit through the doorway. Annabeth and Tyson took their bought supplies in first.

Once that was done they joined in with Grover to take in the first piece of furniture to Percy's cabin quietly knowing his cabin door is somewhat wider. They carried it through the door just barely fitting. When it was inside, the hardest part was to try to pick a decent spot to keep this away from Percy, and finding one soon before sunrise.

They were just about to move the box which a deep sea blue wooden crib is in, into a storage room, when Percy suddenly appear before them with anger and suspicion all over his face.

"So how was the quest, or should I say shopping trip." Percy hissed, eyeing the box up and down.

Grover tried to pretend immediately it wasn't even there. Tyson didn't really dare to make eye contact, and Annabeth just stared at the floor like a puppy being punished.

"There's something you're hiding from me. I know it." He said, eyebrows knitting together.

Just then, Nico runs frantically around into the corner looking very tired. He had probably chasing Percy around all day, and then he stopped and took a good look at what he thought was going to be confession time.

"Look, Percy. This is probably not the best place to be-" Annabeth was cut off by Percy.

"No. I want answers! You guys seem to be tiptoeing around me lately. I want to know what's the big secret." He raised his voice.

"Percy, we just need you to calm down first," Grover said, watching as Percy takes deep breaths. "Okay, good. Now Percy you must believe the next words I say are true," He waited for Percy to nod. "I just want to say this before we continue. You have been given a very special gift Percy and just remember this was no accident." He said slowly.

"Just spit it out!" Percy snarled.

"Stay calm." He warned "Aphrodite given you the gift of life. Percy you're pregnant."

"What?" Percy somewhat laughed hoping it was a joke. "Come on guys, you waited this long to pull a joke on me?" His laugh died when no one joined in.

"This isn't a joke." Annabeth said.

Percy's vision started to shake as his new sickness he'a been feeling these last few weeks began to boil up his body again. He leaned back onto the cabin's wall and clamped his eyes shut as darkness engulfed his body and he swayed. The last thing Percy remembered seeing was the floor becoming closer to his face as his world tipped to the side and the sight of Nico jumping to catch him.


Percy woke up again in the same bed in the infirmary, wet and more puddles. His head throbbed as he tried to sit up but was pushed back down by unfamiliar hands. Then an unfamiliar voice told him to lie back down. He tried his hardest to look out of his headache induced grogginess to see where that voice came from. Percy blinked a few times and rubbed his head.

"Oh! He's waking up!" He heard Tyson chirp as his vision became clearer.

Percy sat up, and was greeted with instant pain from his forehead. He held his head and looked at the demigods and satyr at the end of his bed which all held a worried expression.

"Man I must have hit my head pretty hard. I had this crazy nightmare with all of you in it, you told me I was pregnant." He laughed and looked at their faces, but his laugh quickly disappear into the air when he sees all of them with concerned faces.

Behind The Sea | Percy Jackson Mpreg *REDOING* Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang