Chapter 13 ✅

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Annabeth was sharpening Percy's knife when Grover approached her with his best armor on. Alongside Nico walked up to Annabeth geared up in a little bit of armor as well. The teenage girl turned to face them feeling the edge of Percy's sword before looking at them. Whatever the three of them had planned for Hades it was not going to be pretty.

They gave each other knowing glances then made their way to the truck with the sounds of thunder in the sky they strutted heroically to the truck, but then stopped by a strong force of unknown wind. They looked onto the pile of doves when it died down to reveal Aphrodite. She looked as though she could take down the entire camp with her rage. She looked at them with glowing eyes until Tyson run up to them with a backpack bouncing around with loud noise spoke.

"Aphrodite. What is the meaning of this?" Tyson asked.

"I have to protect them. I made an oath as godmother to do as such." She stated powerfully.

Tyson nodded slightly as if to say he understood. She followed them to the truck in the same manner as the rest.

Once they reached the truck all of them jumped into it and drove off. Nothing stopped them from getting back their friend and nothing would stop them from ultimately kicking Hades ass once they found him.

Aphrodite knowing the entire world's landscape and beauty led the way as she gave the coordinates to Grover. They enter Hollywood. Everything was bright and lively until they reach a mountain. On the horizon sat a large letters spelling Hollywood. As they got closer all of them readied their weapons for what they would expect would be an onslaught of nightmares to battle.

As they pulled up to the large Hollywood sign they were surprised nothing was waiting for them. The demi gods, goddess, and satyr jumped out of the truck. They waited for something to lash out at them. Nico was the first to step forward towards the opening to the underworld and kept a close eye out for anything. The others followed as they looked for any suspected enemy. They walk into the opening, but was quickly piled by a bunch of rocks when the last person walks in. The five silently walk down the path until they reach Charon in which Aphrodite instantly paid.

When the five to-be savors arrived it was as if Hades knew they were coming. They all interned Hades' home when some sort of a grand hall appear. Doors shut quickly behind them, no turning back now.

Grover gave a signal sending all the half bloods and goddess running through the hall that only stretched further when almost reaching the end. Nothing worked, it felt like they hadn't moved anywhere from the door. Nico thought as he stopped his running to look around the hall. At the end was a large red staircase that was hexed with some sort of spell making its visitor never able to reach them. He looked at the floor which was an shiny black opal like material that stretched out narrowly to the staircase and spread to the walls. The walls themselves were a dark blood red with windows.

"Dammit!" Tyson swore viewing the same situation at Nico. "How are we supposed to rescue Percy if Hades keeps playing with us."

"Calm down, Tyson. There has to be a way." Grover says.

They waited for a miracle to happen after the demigods tried bashing through the walls and basically anything; but found they has no success. They were practically sitting duck in Hades pound waiting until he strikes never before had they felt so powerless.

Was this Hades' plan all along to play with their heads or was it something more? It had to be he would never just settle for a small revenge. Hades wanted the entire world to fear him. Nico thought, knowing that whatever plan he has made he knew the Hades would use Percy and his child to his advantage.

At that thought Nico gritted his teeth. His mind not willing to have the guilt of hurting Percy or their child. He began cutting at the walls and bashing even harder than before. Eventually he was pulled away by a furrier Annabeth after his tenth bash into the wall. Tyson brushed tabs of dust off of Grover and looking back at Nico with a tired sadden expression.


After their brief encounter Hades left leaving a broken down version of the Percy Jackson. He crumbled in on himself sitting in the cage feeling used and vulnerable. Percy stroked his stomach lightly to calm his restless child staring up at what Percy assumed was now another boat going by the window. His eyes clung to it like a lifeline as he thought about the others.

What has Hades planned? What does it have to with him? He knew that Hades wanted domination and with himself and his baby a task would be possible. Percy only dared to think about what would become of his child. Would he be torn away from his son or would Hades have enough pity to let him see his child.

He wondered if he would ever be saved by his friends or did they not even know he was here. No, the most definitely find him. Percy tried to keep his spirit up and once they rescue him. He'd have Nico personally ground Hades into a pulp. He laughed at the mental image and tried to think of fonder memories of his fellow friends.

Percy remembered the first time he ever met the half bloods, well just one that is to say. It was when it all started with Hades. He remembered it like no other. He kept recalling memory after memory and each one seemed to make him feel worse. Then he was broken from his thoughts by a hard kick to his side from one of his children. He looked down at his 34 weeks stomach and started to rub his side and then began to ponder about his child.

Chuckling slightly, he remembered the time before he knew he was pregnant, and how much the demigods and satyr would fuss over trying to keep him and the unborn child safe. He had no idea why. Although, Percy thought that at some point he would have figured it out for himself. He remembered how much the glow off of his skin had resembled his mother's when she was pregnant with him from pictures. Oh, what he would give to see the sight of his mother's face if she saw him now in this state. He laughed a little louder this time, but it was quickly muffled by another hard kick this time on the other side of his belly. He rubbed it and tried to think of other things besides his family.

Suddenly he recalled the baby shower the others had thrown for him. That day he was woken up early and given his favorite breakfast, per request of his cravings they had waffles. Percy's waffles unlike the others had peanut butter with pickle slices on it. Once Percy had finished his third waffle and the others were finished they led Percy his cabin. Annabeth opened the door grinning from ear to ear while Nico helped escort Percy through the door and to Percy's bedroom. Grover walked in after them and then turned on the lights. The room was suddenly illuminated revealing the room's stunning colors. One wall on the other side of the room across Percy's bed was painted an sea blue color with a single little white cribs centered in the middle against the wall. Upon closer inspection, Percy saw the baby's side of the room is cluttered with toys varying in varieties, along with diaper changing table and a dresser full of clothes.

Everyone's gawking at the marvelous room was soon interrupted by the sound of sniffling, and all the half bloods heads turned to the pregnant teenager who had one hand over his mouth and the other rested on his stomach with thick tears streaming out of his eyes. This sent Annabeth and Grover into a panic as they asked repeatedly what was the matter. Until Nico walked up behind Percy and wrapped his arms around the quivering teen that leaned into his hug gratefully.

"Th-th-th-hank you s-so much." He balled even deeper as Nico turns him around and let him cry into his shoulder.

Percy was then quickly brought out of his thoughts by a shooting pain that ripped across his stomach. This immediately causes the teenager to grunt in pain and grind his teeth. His hands quickly wrap around his bulging stomach as the pain slowly shimmers down with a dull throb leaving behind. He sat up a little more, with the dull throbbing slowly calming down. But it wasn't until another fifteenth minutes later the same pain returned causing Percy to react the same. That's when he realizes he's having contractions.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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