Chapter 4 ✅

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Nico awoke to an unfamiliar feeling. The feeling of as if something is wrong. He slowly gets out of bed and rubbed his eyes. In his sleepy state he checked the clock, it was 3:47 a.m. Nico walk out of his cabin and looked around for the solution for the unsettling feeling that's nagging at him in the pit of his stomach, still very sleepy. He slowly walks towards Percy's cabin and immediately snapped out of sleepy state. The feeling worsened as he walks to the door and opens it fortunate for him it was unlocked. He walks in closing the door silently behind him and look around finding the bathroom door slightly ajar.

A sudden sound flabbergasted Nico as he recognized it as dry heaves of a person vomiting, and the small sound of panting breath. Nico cracked the door open and saw Percy. His head in the toilet, body crunched in on itself, and only in a pair of grey boxers. Nico finds himself slightly blushing at the uncoverness on Percy body, but quickly press the unnecessary thoughts to the back of his head. Percy seemed unaware of his presence, so Nico slowly walked over to him, and started rubbing circles into his back. The instant contact of his warm hand to Percy's cold skin made Percy jump a little and turn around to catch a glimpse of the intruder.

Percy sighed lowly, and tried to speak but only whispers came out and another dry heave. A few more heaves followed with a small cough. Then he finally managed to get in a few words.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this. I just couldn't help myself. What the hell is wrong with me?" Percy whispered into the bowel, but just then Nico sweetly shushed him. It wasn't his fault he was this way, but he really didn't know that yet.

He then proceeded to pick Percy up in his arms and walked him back to his bed. The whole time he couldn't really take his eyes off Percy's stomach. He watches as Percy puts one hand over a barely unnoticed bump, protecting something unknown to his own self.

Once they made it back to Percy's bed, Nico kick open the covers with his feet, not being able to do so with his hands, being that they were preoccupied with the already asleep teen. Then he lied his friend down and pulled the covers over him, and walked off to his cabin once again to sleep.


Grover woke up in his own bed and made himself some breakfast before going over to Annabeth's place to meet with the rest. Once he walked to the cabin, he noticed how shockingly silent it was. He thought he had came a little late, but this was confusing. He looked for any signs of his friends and eventually found Nico sitting outside his cabin. He was absentmindedly thinking and finally noticed Annabeth walking towards Hades' son.

"Oh, gods. Annabeth you scared the shit out of me. I didn't expect you to come this early." Nico announced, looking up at Annabeth.

"Yeah, I woke up a little early, and it seems you did to, what happened?" She said, putting her hands on her hips.

"I woke at three am to Percy vomiting, and had to help him back to bed. After that I just couldn't get back to sleep." Nico said.

"Too many things to think about?" She asked.


They stood for a while talking about how things were going and what was generally interesting, until Percy came stumbling towards them. His eyes nearly closed, he guided himself to a step and sat down.

"Are you okay Percy?" Annabeth asked, placing a hand on Percy's shoulder.

"Depending if Nico told you what happened last night. What do you think?" He looked at her.

Then Percy shrugged off her hand and stands up making his way to the door.

Then Grover remembered what their baby list and pregnancy books lies. He quickly ran over to the cabin and goes in front of Percy, receiving the 'what the hell are you doing' face from all three of his friends.

"You can't!" He blurted out after a good few seconds of awkward stares.

"Why not?" Percy tried once more to reach around and grab the doorknob, but was ninja hand slapped away by Grover.

"Hey! Why did you do that?!" Percy said, rubbing his hand

"Well, um the door is broken really, really broken!" He said, still starfish blocking the door.

Grover looked at him like he has never seen Percy fixed something before.

"Okay, okay. But um Nico got his hell hound's in there!" Which was responded with a 'come on' face from Nico.

"Fine, if he has his dogs in their. I'll just come back later, but I really think you just don't want me to get hurt. Do you Grover?" Percy said, moving his body away from the door.

"Haha, yeah. That's it." He let his guard down mentally dodging a bullet.

While Percy was backing away from the door, Grover tried to sign out that he meant no offence to Nico, but that he was only trying to protect Percy, but it didn't look like he got it.

When Percy got to the bottom step he sat down beside Nico.

"Are you hungry?" Nico looked at Percy who look up from his hand.

"Yeah, I guess." He said, getting up from the step.

"I'll go with you." Nico said, watching Percy head to the dining pavilion.

He follows closely behind and watches as Percy grabs a plate full of food. They sat down at a random table and began eating. Percy takes down his pancake kinda like a shark would take down a seal, and within minutes it was gone. He was downing the juice when Tyson and Annabeth came over.

"Hi, guys." Tyson greeted.

Nico looked at Percy who was the only one not paying attention.

"So Grover, Tyson, and I will be back in a few hours. Nico and Percy just be safe." Annabeth said, before walking over to Grover with Tyson behind her.

Nico looked at Percy, he leaned back in his chair patting his stomach.

'How long do we have to keep this from him before Percy finds out?' He thought pinching the bridge of his nose.

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