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I woke up this morning, realizing what a horrible mistake I've made.

Not only was I going to get my ass handed to me when Danny found out, but I still can't comprehend that I legitimately fucked the tour manager.

Since many tours are based on a hierarchy of social status, we can all assume that the tour manager is at the top of the chain, so to speak.

Then, you have your band members coming in second, then crew members, roadies, merch girls, and lastly, band whores.

So, long story short, if Skylar told anyone, he'll look pretty bad himself, stooping so low to the point of sleeping with a band whore.

Case in point, it would be best to keep this between him and I, because I'm sure he won't want to suffer a blow to his ego.

And I'm already the lowest man on the totem pole, so I really don't need anymore fuel  to my fire.

Meanwhile, Skylar had disappeared at some point, leaving me in my bus alone.

At this point, I wasn't even pissed off, in fact,  I was more relieved than anything.

Before I could convince myself to get out of bed, my door flew open, revealing a blue head of hair through the aisle.

Skylar came back to my bus, handed me a cup of coffee, and gently sat on the edge of my bed, facing me.

"I thought you left," I said, somewhat disappointed that he came back.

"I did. I left to get you coffee," he stated, motioning to the styrofoam cup that was resting in my hand.

"Well, thanks," I smiled forcefully, taking the lid off so it would cool down quicker.

We sat in awkward, questionable silence, secretly wondering where things are going to go from here on out.

"I made an announcement about the tour not being cancelled," he mentioned, staring at me as he took a sip of coffee.

"Good. I'm sure a lot of people will be happy," I nodded, once again, hoping that I didn't fuck myself over by doing something else that I shouldn't have.

"They will be," he agreed.

"I have to get to work," I declared suddenly, placing my cup of coffee on my table, and beginning to rummage through my clothes for something to wear.

"Kota, listen," Skylar began, taking a shirt out of my hand, wanting me to have his full attention, "if you regret what happened last night, I understand."

Somehow, I was somewhat relieved that Skylar sympathized with me and my reflection of stupidity.

However, I realized that I needed to distance myself from him completely.

If he truly was as much of an asshole as Danny said, then I'm not going to force myself to deal with someone else's bullshit.

So, how does an individual like myself push someone away?

By being a bitch, of course.

"Don't worry. I think this was a complete fucking mistake anyway," I said in the bitchiest tone I could muster.

"You do?" he asked, a slight hint of disappointment lingering in his voice.

"I do. I think it's best that we part ways, Skylar. If anyone finds out, it's going to look bad for the both of us," I mentioned.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," he sighed.

"I mean, after all, we both delivered our end of the deal. We both got what we bargained for," Skylar added.

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