imagine 1 ; early mornings

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You woke up at around nine in the morning, you really didn't want to get up. At some point, you got up and got dressed in a band hoodie and some comfortable leggings. Your roommate Amy was still asleep, so you tried to be quiet as possible. You did what you needed to do in the bathroom you two shared, and went downstairs to get some coffee. Amy would usually wake up at around eleven, so you had plenty of time to spare. You got your headphones and turned on some (favorite band). You started humming the tune of the song while making yourself some breakfast.

After you finished your toast and coffee, you went on Snapchat and spammed your story a bit there. After you were bored with that, you started scrolling trough Twitter when suddenly, Amy came down the stairs, still very sleepy and groggy.

"Good morning." You chirped, sounding cheerful and happy, which made Amy smile.

"Good morning." Amy said while stretching and yawning. You giggled at her behavior and gave her some toast and coffee that you made for her as well. She thanked you and started eating.

While she was eating, you really got to look at her beautiful self. She had beautiful medium blonde hair, she hasn't done her makeup yet, thank god for that, and she was wearing her coffee themed pajamas. You couldn't help but admit that you have developed a crush on her, hell, its not even a crush, its a "i want to call you mine and be able to kiss and hug you everyday and make you feel loved and appreciated" feeling.

Surprisingly, Amy hasn't caught you staring before you averted your gaze back to your phone, which you were glad she didn't. Once she finished with her meal she stood up and put her plate and mug in the sink.

"So what do you wanna do? We have the whole week off, and its only Monday." She asked, wiping her hands and smiling at you.

"Ooh, how about we watch a movie? LA LA LAND!" You yelled, running into your room to grab some pillows and blankets. "Which room? Mine or yours? Or the living room?" You asked after you grabbed everything that you needed.

"How 'bout my room? Let's switch it up a bit." She smiled and helped you with the stuff. Once you got everything ready, Amy started the movie and you two laid in her bed next to each other, your head was on Amy's chest. You were comfortable, and so was Amy. She has a 'liking' to you too, but was too afraid to say anything. She planned on confessing to you today, and decided it was going to be after the movie.

You two sang along to all of the songs in the movie, and ended up laughing afterwards at your behavior. Once the movie ended, you realized how close you were to Amy. Not in relationship form, but in real life. Like you two were inches apart from kissing. You gathered all of your courage and closed the distance between you two. It was a soft, long, and gentle kiss that you craved for so long. Both of you were craving it, and both of you were blushing a lot. After you pulled apart, you just stared into each others eyes. Both of your eyes were filled with happiness, love, lust, excitement and many more emotions.

"You have no idea how long i've waited for that." You both said at the same time, which made both of you burst out laughing. After you finished laughing, you two were just smiling at eachother.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too."

a/n 16.7.2017 edited this a bit :p

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