imagine 10 ; coffee shop

247 18 13

a/n i will love you forever if you know who robert is from this imagine and the previous imagine

You were walking with your best friend Robert to your favorite coffee shop. Coffee was your number one morning priority, and walking here with Robert became a habit. You didn't mind, you enjoyed his presence.

As you got closer to the café, you could hear your stomach make a noise saying it's hungry. Robert laughed, saying that they recently added some food. You replied in a no duh sort of voice saying how you saw them accept the food.

You both walked in the café, laughing because of some joke Robert made along the journey. There was a girl that looked around your age behind the counter. You wouldn't lie, she was pretty cute. You knew she was a new employee, you knew every single one that worked here in the café. They all knew you too, it became a habit for them to see you sometime during the day. Sometimes with, and sometimes without Robert by your side.

"Good morning! What can I get you today?" The girl politely smiled, getting her blonde hair out of her face.

"Uhh, I think I'll have a (favorite drink) and (favorite food). What about you Robert? Going to change things up a bit?" You nudged him, chuckling slightly.

"Nah, I think I'll stay with the regular coffee. Im feeling basic today." He shrugged, pointing at your usual table to you, basically asking you to sit there. You, of course, nodded and walked over there while the girl started making your drinks.

You two chatted about the most important thing you knew, of course, it being memes. You also talked about video ideas, since you two collaborated a lot. You enjoyed Robert's company a lot, he was a great friend that you met over the Internet. He recently moved to LA from Canada, since he couldn't stand not being able to see you in person every day.

The girl came with your drinks shortly after, you thanked (and tipped) her while she just smiled and thanked you. Robert saw you stare at her longer than 'in a friendly way' and he knew immediately that you liked her. He just smirked at you when you turned around to face him.

"What is it? What happened now, since you have your smirk?" You chuckled, sipping your drink.

"Ah, well, you're quite the heart eyes Howell for that girl. Why don't you make a move?" He laughed, drinking his coffee.

"Are you crazy? I will never, I don't even know if she's straight or not!" You lightly punched him from across the table, trying to hide your obviously blushing face.

Meanwhile, over at the girl's side, she thoughts you were cute too. She was too scared to walk up to you though, but she did see that you tipped her, and were staring at her a couple times. She also, kinda, overheard the conversation because she was serving a customer next to you two. She blushed aswell, she told herself that she'd ask you out or something on lunch break, since you two were there all day. When her lunch break came, she was nervous, yes, but she still walked up to you.

"Hi! I was wondering if uh, you'd like to maybe hang out sometime? I get that this is extremely creepy — I agree with you, I mean I don't even know your name, mine's Amy by the way, but you're really cute and I heard your conversation with your friend over here-" She rambled while you laughed to cut her off.

"Sure! I'd love to. My name is Y/N, by the way. You have a beautiful name." You smiled, while she obviously blushed.

Who knew that one day the three of you would go to that same coffee shop together for the rest of your youth?

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