imagine 8 ; winter things

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a/n yes. in the middle of june.

500+ reads!!!! that's an insane number omg thank you so much <333

it ain't even cold outside, not where i'm from

You grew up in LA, so you pretty much got used to the warmth and occasional coolness. On summer you wouldn't know what to do with yourself from the warmth. You felt like you would melt.

Spring was probably your favorite season in LA, not too cold but not too hot. Fall was more rainy than spring.

feeling like its mid-july under the sun

You were really bored and hot, so you decided to go to the beach. What better way to cool yourself and get some tan, too? You were going with your friend Shelby since she already finished work and loved the beach. You two met over Ethan, and you became really good friends. Her and Amy are good friends too.

my jacket don't get no love, no hats and no gloves, not even a chance to rain

"So, how's everything in your life? Amy doing good?" She asked you in her usual high pitched voice, smiling at you.

"Yeah, she's fine I guess. I'm doing better though, thanks for asking. I'm honestly really tired. Everything is wearing me out." You complained, sipping your coffee.

"Well, you can't do anything about it. It's human nature, I guess? Anyways, I'm actually really warm even though I'm in shorts and a crop top." She laughed her adorable laugh, drinking more of her iced tea.

"Ugh, me too. Why does it have to be so warm, jeez?" You said, panting and trying to cool yourself down.

but my baby's in town and we're gonna do some winter things

While you were chatting with Shelby some more, you got a text from Amy saying that she arrived back in LA. Yesterday, she said she was going on a roadtrip to somewhere, but with herself. You let her, you deserved some alone time. Amy, being her usual clingy self, wanted you to come home and cuddle with her. Of course, you couldn't decline but, wasn't it rude to leave Shelby like this?

"Hey Shubs, Amy just texted me saying that she's back from her small roadtrip and she wants me home. Would you mind if I went home?" You smiled apologetically.

"Oh no, not at all! Feel free to leave, I would absolutely love watching movies with Gizzy while the AC is on. Unless he's out on another date. He has a better love life than me!" She complained, chuckling slightly.

You both said your goodbyes and went your separate ways. Once you got to Amy and yours shared house, she came running down the stairs and into your arms. Wow, she must have really missed you.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you! Can we please cuddle by the fireplace?" She whined like a child, looking at you with her puppy eyes.

"Alright, but the fireplace? You do realize how warm it is, right?" You laughed, shaking your head at her as she pulled you inside.

"Oh come on, let me do some winter things with my baby!" She giggled, pushing you on the couch next to the fireplace. You happily cuddled with her, taking in every piece of her.

ayo, i wanna pretend we're on the north pole
turning the heat into an ice cold holiday
made just for me and my baby, ooh, ooh
my baby's in town and we're gonna do some winter things, hey

"I'm craving candy for some reason. Do we have any, uh, candy canes? Or lollipops? (a/n immediately thinks of theorionsound-) Amy asked, turning to face you.

"Possibly? If there's still any left from Christmas. Bring me some, too. Also, Jesus Christ Amy! Why did you turn the AC so low?! I mean, it's nice but, I'm starting to get cold. Turn it up please?" You laughed, shaking your head at her while she went over to the kitchen and started laughing.

"Whoops! Sorry! It was really warm before you came, I do admit it's getting chilly. Also, pineapple, apple or watermelon since these are awfully specific flavors?" She asked, holding up three lollipops.

"Uh, (one of the three). I don't even remember getting those flavors." You laughed, taking one of the lollipops from her.

"Oh! I almost forgot! I got you something while I away! Here, it's not much but I think it's cute." She smiled and handed you a small box where a ring with a clear (favorite color) gem lied, it was very pretty and you loved it. It looked expensive as hell though, the ring being silver and having some gold details.

"This, isn't much? My god Amy, it's beautiful but, didn't this cost you a lot of money? I don't want you to go and spend a lot of money on me, babe. You know I'm really easy to please. You could have just ordered takeout for me." You laughed, while she just blushed and explained how she wanted you to feel appreciated, because she really did appreciate everything you did for her.

take me to the ice-skating rink downtown (no, no, no, downtown)
even though its one hundred degrees, gotta get out
ain't no ice or no chills, no snowmen to build, most of our friends at the beach
but my baby's in town we're gonna do some winter things

"So, what's Shelby doing?" Amy asked you, continuing to cuddle you.

"I honestly don't know, I was at the beach with her before you texted me. Ethan joined her after I left, god I ship those two." You laughed, smiling at the memory of Shelby texting you that Ethan came and that she stayed at the beach.

"Ah, yes, my favorite ship is progressing! This is why I'm friends with them!" She put her hand on her heart and closed her eyes to have a shipping moment.

"For some reason I kind of want to build a snowman. Dunno why." You shrugged while you drank another glass of water.

"You do realize it's one hundred degrees out, right?" Amy laughed at you, while she sipped her coffee.

"Yeah, but... There isn't actually a but. I don't know what im saying."

just imagine that we're laughing
in my cabin, chilling by the fireside
even though this sun is blasting
we can be whatever if we visualize

"Do you like being in cabins? Or cabins in general, really." She asked you, actually looking serious.

"What kind of question is that?" You laughed, while she shrugged.

"My parents own a cabin in Iceland or something, I figured you might want to go there for a holiday or something."

"Oh! I mean, sure! I'd love to go! Iceland is beautiful and I do want to go there. Especially for a holiday." You replied, smiling at Amy's lit up face.

"Great! I'll be sure to contact them and ask them if we can borrow it. If they disagree, then I'll just say I'm going with Mark or something." She laughed, even though her parents didn't support the relationship, she would make sure they would. In a way.

ayo, i wanna pretend we're on the north pole
turning the heat into an ice cold holiday
made just for me and my baby, ooh, ooh
my baby's in town and we're gonna do some winter things, hey

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