imagine 16 ; echo flowers

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a/n heyoooo how's everyone doing?

my obsession with undertale has gotten worse im crying


anywho lets start the imagine lol

(feel free to skip this if you don't like undertale honestly i don't give two shits about the feedback on this i just want to die wait what)

(im still wondering if i should publish this or not, since i know sean's fanbase loves undertale but im not sure about mark's... i know he didn't finish the game and that he doesn't necessarily like it, but i dunno. ah dammit. i should feel comfortable about my writing :,))

(amy, frisk and you are adults in this ok ok)

(oh god how am i going to make an adult frisk-)

"How the hell did we end up here, anyways?" You said, glaring daggers at Amy while Frisk was just smiling at you both.

"We went hiking and we fell into a hole. It's quite the story." Frisk signed and giggled at your glare towards Amy. If looks could kill...

"Oh, and who's idea was it to go hiking? Hm, Amy?"

"Oh shut up. I wanted to get us all off that damn couch okay?" Amy said and sped up.

You sighed and followed her, while Frisk was already ahead of both of you, being the determined person they were.

"I didn't mean to yell at you, you know."

You looked towards Amy while she looked towards you, both of you having regretful glares.

"I know. I'm sorry too."

"It's fine. It wasn't your fault. We're all just, stressed I guess. This fall wasn't really planned."

"Yeah. At least Frisk's enjoying it."

"They always enjoyed little adventures, so this is the dream for them."

Both of you giggled while you held hands and walked towards Snowdin, Frisk was probably already in the shop.

After a while of walking, talking, battling and meeting new people, you made it to a dark and neon blue place, with some neon blue flowers.

"What in the world is this?" You said while staring at the, quite beautiful, place.

"This is Waterfall. I think." Frisk signed, also staring at the scenery.

"Waterfall? ...Are there any waterfalls here?" Amy snorted, while you just glared at her with an unamused glare.

"Sometimes I wonder why I'm dating you."

"Oh come on, you know you love me!" Amy winked and held your hand while you just rolled your eyes and smiled. Frisk was probably silently fangirling.

"And these," Frisk pointed at the neon blue flowers, "Are echo flowers. They repeat everything that is said to them."

You leaned in towards one of them and your smile could not be wider.


"Oh come on, you know you love me!" The flower repeated what Amy said a few minutes ago.

"Okay, not gonna lie, but this is pretty fucking cool."

"No shit. They're beautiful too."

"Oh sorry, did you expect me to say, "They're not more beautiful than you~" hmm? Well you're not. Ha. How does that feel?"

You grinned while Amy rolled her eyes and flicked your forehead.

"We have things to do, places to be and what not. Come on. How long does it take to get past this place?" Amy said and looked towards pretty much their guide, aka Frisk.

"Shouldn't be too long. Unless we get sidetracked." Frisk signed and smiled brightly at the couple, while they copied.

"Great, then let's go!"

After some time they finally made it to Hotlands, Undyne at their tail. Although she didn't make it too for into the lands made of actual fire.

"So uh... Are we going to help her or what?" You asked, looking over at Frisk who was obviously annoyed with both of you.

"Yes, Y/N. We're going to help her." They signed, walking over to the conveniently placed water dispenser.

They grabbed a cup and filled it with cold water, walked over to Undyne and just spilled it on her. She got up and ran back.

"Seriously? Not even a 'thank you'?"

"Doesn't seem like it. Anyway, we better get going, we need to lea-"

"Crap! I forgot me and Papyrus have that date thing!"

"Oh right, do you want us to wait for you while you get back?" Amy asked, Frisk was packing up their bag in a hurry.

"Whatever you two want. Just don't go in the lab yet!"

"Alright. Have fun!" You smiled, grabbing Amy's hand yet again.

Frisk ran off, determined to be there on time and not disappoint the tall skeleton.

"Alright, where do you want to go?"

"Ooh, that one patch of echo flowers in Waterfall? Please?"

"Sure! I immediately fell in love with that place."

(a/n so basically the things you and amy will say to the echo flowers to repeat is the only reason i made this imagine oh god)

After a bit of walking and talking, you two made it to a patch of about 12 echo flowers, in their neon blue glory. After a bit of looking around, you sat down and motioned for Amy to sit down as well. She eventually sat down too, her pink hair looking especially beautiful in the blue lighting.

You suddenly got an idea, told Amy to 'hold on', got up and walked over to an echo flower. You whispered something to it, and motioned Amy to come listen to it. She raised an eyebrow, stood up and walked over. You backed away from the echo flower, giggling, while Amy kneeled down to listen to it.

*inhale* ya like jazz?

Amy snorted while you were laughing. Hey, you knew your memes.

She whispered something to it, while also giggling, and when she finished you walked over with a smile and a raised eyebrow.

lemme smash, please

You laughed wholeheartedly, Amy joining in. At this point you had no idea what was going on, but you were having fun.

You whispered something to it, yet again, you backed away, yet again, Amy walked over, yet again.

hey how ya doin lil mama lemme whisper in your ear-

Amy backed away and started laughing even harder, you joining in. Suddenly, Frisk came back out of nowhere, with a confused expression, but a smile also.

"What the hell happened?"

"Let's just say, echo flowers are extremely fun to mess around with."

happy birthday to the most life changing game to exist. i love you so much and i have no idea what i would do without you. thank you for existing, and thank you toby fox.

here's to many, many, many more years to come.

i love you.

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