imagine 18 ; not going anywhere

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a/n agh im sorry ProfScribbles but i have 0 clue on what highschool's like and im personally not a fan of highschool imagines/fanfics 😭😭

requested by GIJinx thank you for your request ^^

You sighed before you blew up another one of the balloons. You were currently blowing up the balloons for Tyler's birthday, with your best friend Niall.

"This is such bullshit." You angrily grumbled, obviously being annoyed. Niall snorted, after blowing up another balloon.

"Salty now, are we?"

"Shut up."

Amy was currently with Mark and the rest of the gang, probably having the time of her life. You were always kind of the outsiders of the group, especially Niall, since you're Amy's girlfriend and Niall's your friend. Niall was probably in good terms with everyone, mostly Ethan. He never really liked Mark that much, but still hung out with him because of you.

Because you were the outsiders of the group, Amy has been hanging out with Mark more often. It used to be the whole group, but Ethan told you that recently she's been hanging out with Mark, and Mark alone. You've gotten pretty jealous, to say the least.

"So, are you going to do anything about... Them?"

"I don't know. Probably not." You shrugged, not really showing that you cared. You were extremely jealous in the inside, but you didn't want Niall to know. Niall was the type of friend that made fun of your weaknesses, but actually cared deeply about you.

You finished blowing up all the balloons, putting and tying them in the correct places. As soon as you finished, you got a phone call from Amy.

You sighed before picking up the phone.

"Hey. You done?" You annoyingly spoke into the phone, while Niall snorted. You couldn't help but smile at him yourself.

"Yeah. Is everything set up?" Amy replied, sounding cheerful.

"Yeah. We finished setting up everything, and now we're waiting for you all to come."

"Good! This is going to be amazing, thanks for doing this babe."

"It's no problem. I enjoyed it, and I'm sure Niall did too."

You chatted for a little bit before hanging up the phone, because Niall was getting impatient.

"Alright. They're supposed to be coming, they just walked out of the office. Is everything set up?" You asked Niall, while he looked over the whole room.

"Yep. We just need the birthday boy and the guests." Niall replied, while walking over to you.

"Alright. Let's go and get ready, then."

One hour and a whole lot of fun and games later, Amy and the gang finally made it. You and Niall were there early, and just talked until they got there.

"Hey baby. I missed you." You smiled as you hugged Amy and kissed her cheek. She smiled back and walked back to where Mark and Ethan were chatting.

"See? I can't help but feel like she's cheating. But who knows. Anyways, I'm here to have fun and make sure Tyler has a great time, so that's what I'll do. You coming?"

"Of course."

You and Niall walked over to where the rest of the gang were having a conversation. You smiled as you heard Kathryn and Tyler bicker about something.

"Hey guys! Happy birthday, Tyler! Thank you for inviting us." You said while you gently hugged him, while he hugged back and laughed.

"Of course! You two set this up, after all. Thank you!"

"It's nothing, really. Anything for you." You winked as the four of you laughed.

"I'm gonna go grab us some drinks. Be right back!" You said while walking back to the table with the goods, where Amy currently was.

"Hey babe! Having fun?" She smiled over at you, while she kissed your cheek.

"Yeah! How are Mark and Ethan?" You smiled while you poured your drinks.

"They're good. We have something special planned for the channel, I'm sure the fans will love it."

"Of course they will! Mark has gotten away with a lot because of his fans, so I'm sure they'll love whatever this project is."

"I guess you're right." Amy smiled while she pecked your lips.

"Hey, when we go home, can we talk? I need to talk to you about something, and hopefully it isn't anything serious. Hopefully." You asked, nervousness spreading over your face.

"Uh, sure! What's wrong?" Amy nervously smiled, not sure where you were getting at.

"I've just been feeling a bit alone ever since you started hanging out with Mark more and more. I can't help but feel a bit jealous."

"Oh, Y/N, nothing is happening between me and Mark. I love you too much to do that. I'm not going anywhere, I swear." She said while she gave you a long kiss.

"I'm gonna go catch up with Niall. I'll see you later." You said while you gave Amy a smile, walking back to Niall.

"I take it everything worked out?" He asked, sipping his drink.

"Yeah. Turns out they're just really busy with a project for the channel. She still loves me and I shouldn't get this worked up over that."

"Understandable. Now, can we finally have fun at this party we made happen?" He says, leaving his drink and grabbing your hand.

"Well, technically we didn't make it happen, but you know I'd never miss out on a little fun." You smile, walking back over to Tyler and Ethan.

a/n well that was a HORRIBLE imagine, my god

i had a burst of motivation when i started this, and last night but when i finished it this morning it just.. turned to shit. im sorry. i haven't written in forever and i don't know what im doing. thank you for your requests, once again all though i don't have them anymore!!! comment your requests on this chapter please, my phone was wiped and i cant retrieve the comments back :( thank u for understanding

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