imagine 6 ; fucking eurovision

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a/n we surpassed 200 reads!!!! thank you all so much for reading this book (this is a short imagine btw im running out of ideas for long ones ok bear with me)

for the sake of this imagine, you will be from europe.

if you're from portugal, congrats! you deserved that win!!

You being from Europe, you talked a lot about Eurovision. You enjoyed watching it, but the fact that it's all politics and your sexuality kinda bummed you out. You still had your favorite contestants, of course. Sometimes even a good song wins.

It was May, the year being 2017. You were really excited for Eurovision this year, and what your country would perform. (a/n if your country doesn't sing on eurovision, just pretend they do) Amy was excited as well for some reason. She loved to see you excited about anything. Even Mark, Ethan and Kathryn have learned to love and watch Eurovision with you. Having a European co worker and friend was great for them. The more cultures the better, right?

It was Tuesday night, Eurovision would start any moment now. (a/n SORRY IF YOU'RE FROM AUSTRALIA AH) Mark got the snacks, Ethan got the blankets in case you get cold, Kathryn was uploading two videos for Mark's channel and Amy just cuddled with you. Everyone got into their positions and it started. You were excited out of your mind.

When the first semifinals finished, you were sad that (enter country) didn't go to the finals/happy that (enter country) got to the finals. Amy was sad that Finland didn't make it to the finals, they were really good. Mark and Ethan were happy that Cyprus made it to the finals and Kathryn didn't really have a favorite for this semifinal.

When the second semifinals finished, you were happy that (enter country) made it to the finals/sad that (enter country) didn't make it to the finals. Amy was cheering for Bulgaria, Mark and Ethan were cheering for Austria and Kathryn was cheering for The Netherlands.

The finals came and everyone was flat our screaming at the television screen. It was fun for you to watch your friends be passionate a thing they aren't even a part of.

Everyone, including you/apart from you, was incredibly shook that Portugal won. All of you gave in and said that it was a good song, and that he deserved it, but that there were better songs. You agreed/disagreed.

You definitely loved watching Eurovision with your favorite people.

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