imagine 12 ; pride month

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a/n happy pride month everyone!! go and show ur gay to the world

ps, im actually pansexual! thought i'd let you all know :)

It was finally the best month of the year, it being June, and you had your gay on. You wore the lgbt flag as a cape all month and everyone laughed at you, but joined you nonetheless. You were bisexual, and you enjoyed yourself no matter what. You had an amazing girlfriend called Amy and a sister Kathryn, you worked with them both as Mark's editors. You probably listened to the song "Girls/Girls/Boys" over two hundred times this month and appreciated Amy a lot more. Amy spent it as a regular month, it was her third pride month so it didn't really matter to her. But to you, pride month matters ten times more than usual. You spent half of it being your usual gay and half of it working. What was Mark's reaction? He just let you be, he knew how important this month was to you.

Another happy thing about pride month, a lot of people finished school! You were 26, so you finished college a while ago. A friend of yours graduated and you flew all the way to Arizona to surprise her for her graduation. She was really happy that you came, and stayed for three whole days.

Back to pride month. One day, you were reading the newspaper and you found out there was a pride parade back in (home town)! You really wanted to go, you haven't been at one since you moved.

"Amy! Kathryn! Mark! Ethan! Tyler! Anyone at all!" You screamed, smiling bright at the thought of the parade.

"We're recording!" You heard a muffled voice say, which you figured out as Amy's.

"Oh! Well, I'll tell you later. Im gonna go and take a nap. Night." You shouted, grabbing a blanket and going to Amy and yours room.

After what seemed like it was minutes, but it was like four hours, you were woken up by Chica wanting to get fed. Everyone probably left to go get some food.

After you fed her, and gave her a few pats on the head, you went back to the couch to get your flag and then proceeded to get some food. Once you finished it, you went back upstairs in your comfortable bed to browse the Internet for a bit. Okay, more like six hours. As soon as you opened up Twitter, the first tweet you saw was from your good friend Nathan. After seeing what the picture said, you almost choked on your food, but proceeded to write an apology reply. It was a shame they broke up, they were a really good couple in your opinion. You sighed, closing Twitter and switching to YouTube. You were too sad to continue scrolling trough tweets. The first video, well song, that popped up was "Would You Be So Kind?" by Dodie, and you smiled. You sent that song to Amy as a confession of you liking her and she said that she liked you too and here you are now. You eventually played Dodie's most popular songs, and found yourself crying. Why? Well, that's what Dodie's heavenly voice does to you. You're just emotional.

While you were smiling trough your tears, Amy walked in the room to get her microphone. She told you earlier that she was going to record. She saw you crying and immediately got worried.

"Oh my god babe, what's wrong?" She put the mic down and sat down next to you.

"Dodie. I've watched all her songs, and I'm so emotional. God, I love her. Not as much as you though." You laughed, as she smiled and wiped your tears away.

"I understand. She makes you happy and you relate to her songs, I get it. I'm happy you have music to listen to that makes you cry. If you wanted to cry you should have read that fanfiction again." She laughed, as she remembered when you were crying because Shelby died in a x reader. You were pretty sad the entire day, while Amy just laughed at you.

"Oh shut up, I love Dodie more than that x reader. It's really good, but Dodie is better. I'm surprised I cried though, the fanfiction is pretty short. But well written? Yeah. It is I guess."

"Anyway, what did you want to ask us earlier while we were recording?"

"Oh right! Back in (home town) there's going to be a pride parade! I really want to go, since I haven't been to one there. Please come with me?"

"Of course! I'm sure it will be amazing. I'll bring my gay self and all my gay stuff! Oh, and signs! We need at least one!"

"Amy. Can you actually fit that in your suitcase?"

"Shit. Scratch everything that I've said. I'm only bringing my gay self and the flag. It's technically yours though. So it's just me."


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