imagine 15 ; 6/10

171 13 10

a/n this was originally going to be an imagine about amy getting a bird how sad

also! im on vacation and don't have any time to write so its a good thing i have this book on hiatus lol

third person pov whoop

i feel like a 6 out of 10.

i've gotta get up early tomorrow again.

The girl sighed and ran her hands down her face. She was a fairly successful author and had a deadline for another book, but she has been extremely unmotivated recently. She had ideas, lots of them, but couldn't find herself wanting to write them. She looked over at the digital clock next to her.


Yet another sleepless night. She mumbled a string of swear words, mentally preparing herself for the day.

what goes on behind the words?

is there pity for the plain girl?

She groaned as she deleted yet another paragraph of what she wrote, feeling like the characters were very out of character. She snorted at her thoughts, continuing to write something. What it was really was a mystery, even she didn't know what she was writing at this point.

What even happened? She always aced writing, getting love and support because of it. She was always amazing at being happy around her fans, not being her actual depressing self. What the fuck happened?

can you see the panic inside?

i'm making you uneasy, aren't i?

She smiled, half of it being genuine and half of it being fake, as she held hands with the fan for a picture. They were a 16 year old half brunette half blonde girl, with a pair of gorgeous blue eyes. She told her her name was Lilla.

She was currently at a signing for her previous book, it being a poetry one, and she couldn't help but build up a wall even more as she looked at all of the people in the line. They were all used to her being happy, and to know that she wasn't probably hurt. She was sure everyone hated seeing their idol sad. But she doubted anyone idolized her.

what goes on behind the words?

is there pity for the plain girl?

i'll close my mouth, i won't say a word.

a nod of pity for the plain girl.

"Was that really all of them? I can't help but think that more people would have came."

The security guards nodded in pity, as she asked about her fans. Usually, at a signing there was around 500 people, but it seems only 200 showed up today. She was still tired, though.

She shut up, and hurried to pack her bag and grab the other one with gifts from some of the fans who were actually happy to see her, she couldn't help but think some of them weren't the happiest in seeing her. More like, annoyed, she guessed.

i know that you don't want me here.

oh i'll just call a taxi, i've gotta get up early tomorrow again.

She sighed as she texted her blonde friend, trying to take her mind off of the pain.

It hurts

It hurts

It hurts

Her mind kept repeating, no matter what.

Amy: Are you free to come by rn? Im in need of some company :)

You: sure ig

You: ill be there in like

You: 10? 15?

Amy: Coolio! Text me when you're here :D

You: ofc lol

She didn't laugh.

She got into her car, ready to drive to her friend's house as she sighed yet again.

what goes on behind the words?

is there pity for the plain girl?

i'll close my mouth, i won't say a word.

a nod of pity for the plain girl.

a/n this was more of a vent if anything oops

this imagine is platonic and i have no idea what i wrote my sadness got to me yikes

the next imagine is just me shouting FINE to my mind who's been bugging me on making an undertale related imagine for this book

im so so so so so so so sorry my undertale obsession got the best of me ugh

ps, i!!! have!!! ideas!!! omg!!!


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