imagine 2 ; seven months

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a/n in this one, im switching it up. the reader doesn't have depression, amy does. so uh, trigger warning and all that. yeah. you have been warned ^^

Seven months.

It's been seven months since Amy last talked to you.

You both still lived in LA, yet haven't spoken or seen each other for seven months.

How did this happen?

When did this happen?

Is it something i said? I did?

I don't understand.

These were all the things that went trough your head these past seven months. It has slowly driven you insane.

What you didn't know, that Amy was far from fine. She hated herself because of the way she looked, talked, laughed and did everything else. She was always judged and she couldn't keep it anymore.

She started cutting. It was that serious.

She also hated herself for not talking to anyone but Ethan these seven months.

He refuses to tell you anything about her.

Mark, your brother and Amy's last boyfriend before she came out and became your girlfriend, has been helping you trough this. He wasn't a huge help, but he was still trying. What he and the others didn't know, you also started cutting. It was only a one time thing though. And there was only one scar.

One day, you decided to come to the apartment you two shared. Amy was spending her days there, and you spent yours at Marks. Why? God knows why. She just kicked you out of your own apartment. You got in your car and started driving there, it was only a ten minute drive. Once you arrived, you saw Ethan leave the apartment building and walk away to his car. This was it. You were going to talk to your girlfriend for the first time in seven months. When you reached the apartment door, you knocked lightly. Amy jumped at the sound, she knew it wasn't Ethan, he had a key. She recognized that knock everywhere. She knew who was behind that door. She slowly reached for the doorknob before hearing sobbing coming from her girlfriend of one year, without these past seven months. Amy immediately opened the door and kissed her girlfriend for the first time in months. This simple kiss ended up being a heated makeout session, you both got to your bedroom.


Ethan came back after an hour or so. He didn't catch the two of you in the middle of that, but he still knew something was going on. After that, you finally got your chance to talk to Amy. She explained everything to you and you comforted fer about it, saying how she's the most beautiful, kind, funny and overall amazing person you have ever met. She was stunned by your words and was blushing like mad. Ethan kept smiling at you two and how much you were in love, he never judged you two for dating. No one did, actually. Mark and the others were really happy for you. Well except your mother, but you kept your mind off of that. (A/N I LOVE MARKS MOM FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART AND IM ONLY MAKING HER THE BAD GUY FOR THE SAKE OF THIS IMAGINE PLEASE FORGIVE ME)

So, in the end, everything came out okay. Both of you never self harmed in any way, never kept anything to yourselves by talking about it to the other and eventually, you proposed after 2 years of dating. You had a wonderful small wedding with your closest friends and family.

Everything was okay after those seven months.

Everything was back to normal.

If anything, you two fell in love with each other even more.

a/n holy shit that was cringy hA
anyway, sorry for not updating in like forever, i've been active on instagram a lot ahahah
also, do i keep continuing these shorter imagines or do i write something longer cause i honestly dont know 😅
keep in mind that it takes me a longer time to write a longer one :p
stAy lIt nEvEr qUiT

amy nelson imagines [rare updates]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt