Chapter 8: Birthday

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•Trish's POV•

Its been two months since Nick and I had been together.. And if you are curious about Kadine, its been three months since Cassandre and her been together..

"Happy Birthday!!!" I screamed as I jumped in my bed, waking her up.. Its Kadine's birthday and the boys planned a to throw a party at her place so, she's at my house..

"Thanks mom.." Kadine replied.. Still half asleep..

"I'm not your mom! I'm your best friend!! Now wake up!" I jumped down on her..

"I'm up! I'm up!" She screamed as she fell off the bed.. "Trish why do you always do this?!" I giggled as she got up and sat on the bed..
Every year since we became friends, I would wake up Kadine on her birthday to be the first to wish her, and she does the same with me every year..

"Because, I love you.." I stated "You need to get ready, Andre wanna take you out for your birthday remember??"

"Yeah I know.." She went to the bathroom..

After two and a half hours of getting her ready, she stood in front the mirror and admired her appearance.. She looked beautiful of course.. Kadine was wearing a black short shorts and a sky blue long sleeves, she had on sky blue and black Adidas.. Her hair was let down to flow.. Her make up wasn't over the edge, it was a natural look.. Kadine looked amazingly beautiful..

"Its eight now!! Where is he??" Kadine asked as she watch me eat my blueberry pancakes on the bed..

"I guess he's a little late.." I stated while waving piece of pancake in the air.. I watched her admire my breakfast.. "Nope.. You gotta be patient, just wait.." I got up and head to the kitchen..

"But I'm hungry!!" I sat down at the counter and the stupid door bell rang.. I hate when I get comfortable and something disturbs me..

I opened the door, "Kadine your date is here!" I cried out.. He was in a simple jeans pants and white shirt, he still looked cute thou..
"Make sure you bring her back by seven thirty pm sharp.." I said firmly..

He chuckled.. "I understand Luna.." I blushed, hearing them calling me that seems perfect..

I stepped aside and Kadine was presented to him, he stared for awhile before telling her she looked amazing.. They went out and I was free, just waiting on Kevin to pick me up so we could decorate Kadine's place for her party..

"I told you to bring her back by seven thirty not eight!!" I scolded Andre as he puppy dog eye Kadine for help.. Andre, Kevin and Nick are here, they're already ready wearing their usual jeans and shirt, but Kadine and I, well we're a different story..

" *Sigh* I'll let it go for now.." I stated as I grabbed Kadine's hand and went up to my room to get ready.. I shut the door and we looked at each other before she squealed..

"What is it??" Confuse me asked..

"I never got the chance to put make up on you.. You always dress me up and stuff, but I never got to dress you up.." She ran to my closet and start throwing things for me to try on..

After a hour of throwing clothes we finally picked the perfect one for us each.. We took a bath and stuff then we got dress. After, we started singing Break Free by Ariana Grande and Lips Are Moving by Meghan Trainor while we did our make up.. We admired ourselves in the standing mirror for awhile..
Kadine had on a royal blue pants with a white blouse flowing at the bottom, a royal blue Nike with white laces.. Her hair was in a pony tail a little bang covered her eyes a bit.. She had an a gold neckless with the letter 'K' and a gold bracelet with 'C.' Her make-up was a bit much since she's the birthday girl..
On the other hand I was wearing a white pants with royal blue blouse that had a bold writing in white saying 'Princess.' My hair was in a messy bun and my make up was natural, my Nike matched my outfit of course.. My blue neckless with diamond earring was perfect.. We looked absolutely amazing..
We went downstairs to see Andre sleeping, Kevin drawing on Andre's face and Nicks eating my cheesecake while suggesting what Kevin should draw next..

"You little!!" I screamed at Nick.. Kevin throw the marker at Nick, Andre woke up and fell off the chair, Nick throw the marker away and then all three of them stared at us..

"Wow you look ama--" Andre began but I disturbed..

"Andre go the bathroom and clean your face now.. Kadine go with him.." She sighed before pulling the confused boy upstairs.. Soon I heard a loud screams of horror before hearing the same voice shouting that he was gonna kill Kevin..

"Kevin." He looked up at me.. "You are grounded for messing with Andre.." I stated.. He sat up straight ready to debate but I cut him off with a dead glare.. Nick laughed before my dead glare was on him..

"Umm.. What's wrong princess??" He asked, obviously coping my blouse..

I walked over to him, smile innocently as I wrapped my hand around his neck.. Then started squeezing his neck, trying to choke him.. Since he was stronger he grabbed me and pull me into his lap to sit while he held my hands..

"What are you trying to do princess??" He whispered in my ears, damn I felt chills running through my body..

"I'm gonna kill you, you ate my cheesecake! No one touches my cheesecake!" I stated before pulling myself from him.. I turned to face him as he sat there smirking.. "And don't call me princess.."

"I'm sorry about your cheesecake and I'll buy you a bigger one, I promise.." He got up to give me a hug.

I backed away from him, avoiding his touch. "A promise is a comfort to a fool.."

"OK, then you have my word, my princess.." He teased..

"Awe!! That's soo cute!" Kadine squealed from behind.. I forgot about them, I guess being with Nick makes me forget everything and just focus on him.. Must be a mate thing..

"OK, let's go!" Kevin got up.. Andre flow over the room and body slammed Kevin.

"Damn! Kevin and Andre out now!! You both gonna destroy my house!" I shouted.. Everyone raced out before I could damage them.. I didn't wanna get in trouble with mom, she's at work, working double shifts, so I wanna make sure she doesn't have any stress when she gets home..

"Let's get this show on the road!!" Kevin shouted as he went into the back of Nick's black Porsche..
We had two separate cars, Andre had his white Porsche and Nick had his black one.. We rolled out and drove in style to a crowded party that my brother Jay, was managing..

Hola!! OK, so I hope you liked this.. Next chapter will just be about the party.. I'm thinking to had a little cliche drama in it, but.. The first few chapters had drama behind drama behind drama.. So I'm thinking, they need time to just be free from stress, this few moment.. Well, I don't know yet.. Well, remember to comment, share and vote..

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