Chapter 21: Kidnapped By Idiots

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•Trish's POV•

I woke up with an extreme neck pain, my surrounding wasn't familiar.. I was in a pale, pointless room.. No windows, just a bed with green sheets and four square walls that seem like they were closing in with a typical brown door place in one of the walls.. I checked my packets, no phone.. I went over to the door and rest my head on it, listening out for sounds.. There was nothing..

"Damn it.. What should I do??" I asked my small teddy that I brought along.. Yeah I talk to my teddy, got a problem?

I heard footsteps, getting louder as they come towards the door.. I went back to bed, set in the same position I was in before.. The door knob rattled a bit before the door swung open, I shut my eyes pretending I was still asleep..

"She's still sleeping?!" One of the men asked in shock..

"Talk about being comfortable.." Another said trying to be funny I assume.. Wait I got powers! I stopped using my powers since Kevin's death..

"So?? Should we wake her?" The first Idiot asked..

"Yeah, I guess so.." The other said.. I felt two large cold hands holding my shoulder then I was shook almost to death..

"I'm up!! I'm up!!!" I shouted at them.. I opened my eyes to see two large men.. One had tattoos all over, you could barely have a description of him.. His hair was sky blue, his face was covered with a skull tattoo and he had in red contact lens.. While the other had dirty blond hair and yellow contact lens.. They were wearing full black, their muscular body seemed as if they took drugs.. I decided to give them names. I'll name the one with red eyes Skull and the other Bone.. Trust me, I'm as curious as you about the contact lens..

"Its about time.." Skull said. "Follow us.." I got up and followed the two idiots.. They led me through a dark passage to a huge double wooden door.. They opened the door and sun light came shining in.. We were in a hall way with lots of windows.. As we walked through the halls I looked through the windows as I passed. There were people fighting each other, or rather yet training..

"Are they werewolves??" I asked the idiots..

"Yes we are.." Skull replied.

"Where am I going??"

"To the alpha.. He have plans for you little human.." Skull smiled.. We came to another wooden door.. Bone opened the door and pushed me in..

"Here she is alpha.." Bone stated before leaving.. It was an office, a cute little office, just like those ones in the movies, but this person was obsess with the colour brown.. I looked around, taking in everything..

"I guess my office isn't so bad??" A rough voice said.. I looked straight ahead and saw a man sitting there, his dark brown eyes scanned me.. He was in a blue suit, his black hair with a touch of grey here and there was shinny.. He wasn't built, but a bit chubby.. His face was like frying pan and he had scratches all over as if he was wresting with a cat..

"Yeah, nice office.. So?" I shook my head as I took a seat, placing one foot on the floor and the other on the chair handle..

"Funny.. Didn't your mother taught you manners??"

"She did, but I don't show them to people who KIDNAPS ME!" I made it clear..

"I'm sorry about that.. It was necessary.."

"Why is that??" I asked bored..

"Because we need to kill your mates.." I was silent.. Mates, as in he know about them both..
"You look a bit surprise, every pack in America knows about you.. The girl whom is the Luna for the two largest and strongest pack in this country.."

"So, I'm popular??"

"That's your concern?? I just said I'm going to kill your mates, both of them." He seemed annoyed..

"Good for you.. I'll make sure to bring flowers at your grave.." I smiled sweetly..

"Haha, your mates aren't anything.." He laughed..

"Oh, I think you misunderstood.. I didn't say my mates will kill you.."

"Then who??"

"I'm not some poor damsel in distress, so who else??"

"For a person who has been kidnapped, you seem very calm.." An amusing expression writing all over his face....

"Thanks.. I'm hungry.." I said annoyed.. He chuckled a bit before pressing a button on his phone which made skull came in..

"Holá skull!" I waved.. He looked at me as if I had some form of virus.. "OK, and I thought I was rude.."

"Trish here is hungry.. Bring her to the kitchen.." Wait a minute, I never told him my name..

"I never got your name sir.." I stood up..

"Henry.. My name is Henry, we will talk later.." He focused back on his work as Skull pulled me out of the office..

"So? Skull?? When am I going back home??" I asked as he walked me down the hall again..

"Don't call me that." He seemed angry..

"I already did.. And I won't stop.." I said childishly.. He sighed in defeat not even trying..
This will be fun.. They messed with the wrong chick..

An hour later and I was eating ice cream cake!! Yeah, I was getting special treatment..

"So, the pack??" I glimpsed few people walking by..

"What about it human?" Skull asked..

"Two questions now.. First, what does your alpha know about me??"

"That your a human that has two mates.. And those two mates of yours are powerful," Skull looked away, "especially if they should work together.." He mumbled..

"OK, second. What's the pack's name??"

"Pine Field Pack.." I couldn't help but laugh at that stupid name..

"Who named the pack that??" I cooled down to say..

"The first alpha! What's wrong with it!" His emotions were all over the place..

"Oh nothing, nothing.." I wiped away imaginary tears.. "I am tired now.."

"OK, let's go back to your room.." He snorted..

"Fine, let's go.." I panicked as I remembered something, "Wait, that place without windows?"

"No, you will be moved into a better room.. Now let's go.." We went back through the hall and finally we came to a stop in front of a golden brown door..
The room wasn't bad, it was cozy if you asked me, like a motel.. We all know what colour was selected, brown..

"Thanks Skull.. Goodnight.." I stated as I closed the door..

"OK, so they don't know I'm a witch, so tonight will be easy.. The earlier I go to bed the better right teddy?" I sat in the bed with  my teddy. "Right.." I replied to myself.. Wait! I can focus and see what my family and friends are doing..

I folded my legs in Indian style position.. I rest my teddy on my lap and I focused.. I'm sure my eyes were glowing and my hair was floating around in the air.. I first focused on mom and Jay.. They were having a good time with my family, Jay was texting...Me! Damn I left my phone home charging!

I focused on Kadine and I regretted that.. She was occupied in bed with Andre.. I focused on Nick and Ben.. They were at my house looking around, they notice that I'm missing.. I focused on Troy, maybe he could feel my presence in his mind..

Troy was in my room looking around.. He then ran downstairs where Nick and Ben were.. I need to try communicating with them, I need to try some how to get out of here, by tonight..

But can she even save herself?? Hopefully we all get a little action next, am I right??


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