Chapter 26: Romance Blossom

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•Trish's POV•

"You know, in books I would read about werewolf boyfriend that's a bad ass and this innocent girl ending up being his mate and changing him for the better.." I sighed dramatically..
"Strangle you were already great.." I smiled..

We were in our room at the hotel, sitting on the bed

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We were in our room at the hotel, sitting on the bed.. "You did change me.." He refused to look at me..

"How is that so??"

"I lost my brother, Michael.. Mike and I were inseparable, but then life wasn't kind to him.. He killed himself.." Nick whispered..
"The day I met you, I wasn't a good man Trish.. All my tattoos was to deal with the pain inside.. But then when you refused me for, your ex-"

"By ex you mean Grant.."

"Yes, I meant him.." He growled lowly.. "When you got back together with him, it changed me.. I realized I couldn't be an idiot, a killer to be with you.. I changed to have you, and you accepted me.."

"But not completely.." He finally met my glance.. "We haven't... We haven't kissed since you returned.."

"I didn't want to confuse you.." Great excuse..

"How would that confuse me??"

"Trish you had three mates.. Choosing between us would have been hard, I didn't want it to stress you.."

"But now its just you.. So what's the excuse now??"

"I don't have one.. I guess I just felt like I wasn't suppose to.."

I sighed.. "This is too dramatic.." I tried laughing it out, but Nick was serious..
I went closer to him and kissed his cheek then kissed his soft lips.. He bit my bottom lip asking for entrance, and of course I gave him.. His tongue explored my mouth as his hands explored my body.. He was taking in every detail of my body, every perfection and every flaw, he obviously didn't wanna waste anytime..

He went from my lips to my cheek then my neck, I moan out loving every second.. Soon I felt a sharp pain on my neck, I held back the screams, but soon the pain transformed into pleasure and I couldn't help but to moan out.. He removed his canine teeth from my neck and licked the wound.. My hands wrapped around his neck as he claimed my lips..
He took off my blouse with ease and placed soft butterfly kisses from my neck to my breast as he took my bra off.. I laid on my back and he hovered over me sucking my nipples, making them tender.. My hands in his hair as he growl in pleasure while I moan out his name..

"OH SWEET BABY JESUS!!!" I heard a familiar voice.. Nick and my head snapped to see Troy standing there frozen, his eyes popping out his mouth wide open..

I covered myself with my blouse then pushed Nick off the bed.. Nick growled at Troy.. Must be the mate thing..

"Don't growl at me!! I'm her father!!" Nick got up and stood before me so I could fix my bra and blouse..

"Troy what the hell?" Nick hissed..

"I was wondering if you guys wanted cake.. And sadly I regret wondering.." He glared at Nick..

"Troy!! Eventually Nick and I are going to mate!" I said in a 'Matter Of Fact' tone..

"Yeah, can't you wait until you're at least thirty?" He smiled displeased..

"Dad! Get out!" I snapped.. Troy rest the cake on the table before leaving our room..

I face palmed myself. "That was so embarrassing!"
After a few minutes of silence, Nick and I bursted out in laughter..

"Well, I marked you.. One down, four more process to go.." He laid back with his hands behind his head..

"Four??" I sat on his lap, wrapping my feet around him as I faced him..

"Yeah, mark you was the first to do.. Second, mate with you. Third, marry you.. Fourth, start a family with you and fifth, lead the strongest pack as the strongest alpha family.." He smiled.. Damn he's hot!!

"Oh.. That sounds like a plan.." I blushed.. My heart started beating faster and I felt nervous..

"Its OK... The mark kind of affect you, since you're kind of completely mines now, it makes you weak to me, as I'm weak to you.." Damn he's smile..
"And, I should have told you a long time ago.. I guess I was nervous are a bit scared you wouldn't feel the same, but when you said I didn't care in the kitchen I realized-"

"I'm sorry about that, you don't need to explain.." He sat up, looking me in the eyes.. He's brown eyes sparkled.. His arms wrapped around my waist as my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist..

"I love you Trish Tianna Lester.. I've loved you from the day you choose me and I will love you for the rest of my life.. Not because you're my mate, but because you're my princess.." He kissed my forehead..

"I love you too Nickolas Napoleon Jackson.. And I'm not giving a speech to prove it.." I smiled before kissing him..

He pulled away.. "I'll continue reminding you of how beautiful, intelligent, clever and classy you are, and how much I love you everyday.."

"I guess fighting and arguing is worth it, if it leads to this.." I giggled, trying to hid the fact that I was blushing..
"And I'll remind you everyday if you forget to remind me.." I laughed..

"Well, thank God I'll never ever forget.."

"But why did you tell me about this?? About your brother?" My eyes locked with his..

"Because I think you should know.. Plus, Andre told me you asked him about my past.."

"Make sense, I'm going to sleep.." We curled up under the covers hugging each other as we fell asleep..

•Nickolas' POV•

I woke up to her screams, she was fighting in her sleep..
"Trish!! Its OK!" I tried holding her hands but she kicked me in the nuts..

I fell off the bed holding them as she calmed from the screaming and just kept talking in her sleep..

"No, please don't.. Please don't, please no.." I got up and watched the scene.. She was kicking and crying.. "Please, please!! Please don't! I beg, please!"
I grabbed her arms and shook her a bit.. Her eyes flew open and her eyes were glowing..

"Trish??" I whispered..

"Please don't hurt them.." She said before the glow in her eyes disappeared..

"Trish you OK??" I let her go, she sat down covering herself under the covers..

"I'm fine, its nothing.." Her voice held no emotion..

"Don't lie to me.." I demanded.. "Tell me the truth, please."

She looked up at me.. "Its the reason I moved from Jamaica.."

"Which was??" Before she could answer she fainted..

In the morning when she woke up, she didn't remember anything about the incident, so I didn't pursue the conversation.. Instead, I'll leave it for now..

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