Chapter 27: Hey Mom

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•Nickolas' POV•

We arrived at the house in the midday.. I parked the car and Trish and I stared at the house for awhile before exiting the car.. She knocked on the door and the door opened.. A black lady that mirrored Trish stood there.. They both looked at each other with tears in their eyes.. The lady which is clearly her birth mother moved aside, allowing us to enter.. Everyone was sitting in the living room waiting, of course Trish took a seat beside Troy.. While Jeff and Lisa was seated opposite from them..

"Hi.." Lisa said a little nervous.. "I'm Lisa and this is Jeff, my husband.." She announced only had eyes on Trish.

"Heyya.." Trish looked around at everyone before focusing on her mom.. "This is Troy, my dad. She's Kadine, my best friend in the whole world, with her boyfriend Andre.. Nick here." She slapped my leg.. "Nick is my boyfriend.." She smiled.. "Oh and I'm Trish.. Your umm, daughter.."

The room was silent for awhile before Lisa broke the silence.. "So what are you doing here??"

"Well, your birthday was yesterday.. So I'm surprising you.. Surprise.." Trish flashed her hands in the air..

"I invited them honey bun.." Jeff said getting up.. "Troy can you help me with the cupcakes.." They left to the kitchen..

"Oh.. Thank you.. And when will you be leaving?" Lisa asked with attitude as she looked around from her husband to Trish..

"We were here to see you, I thought you would be happy to see your daughter.." I raised my voice.. Lisa's eyes flashed with an emotion that I couldn't read in time..

"One minute she was about to cry when she saw Trish, now she wants us to go.." Kadine spoke up.. "We are leaving, now.."

Kadine and Andre got up and left.. Troy said his goodbye to Jeff, Trish hugged Jeff then smile warmly at Lisa before leaving as I sat there waiting for everyone to be out..

"Aren't you going??" Lisa looked tired and worried..

"Don't try me.." I growled, I'm pretty sure my eyes were getting black because Lisa seemed a bit scared.. "Why?? She came all this way, so why?? You guys didn't even talk, not even a paragraph was exchanged."

"I don't want her to get hurt.." Her voice soften as a sad expression took over her face..

"Hurt?? Trish can handle herself.."

"No, its not like that.. I just want her to be safe.. There is a reason I never visited her.."

"Which is??" I asked.. Jeff came in and looked at us..

"Am gonna say my byes again.." He said then left..

"I can't tell you that.. Just know its not safe for her here.." Tears sliding down her cheeks..
"Do me a favour and tell her I'm sorry and that I love her.. But do this when you arrive back in your home country.."

I nodded in agreement.. I got up and went outside. Everyone was hugging Jeff..
Soon we were all in the car heading to a hotel since our flight wasn't that day..

Kadine and Andre went to Kadine's house and Trish, Troy and I went to Trish's house.. Yeah we were finally back at home at sweet Miami..

"Trish!!! How was it??" Sophie asked.. Trish hadn't spoken to anyone since the incident, who could blames her..

"Terrible.. I can't believe I actually went.." Trish whispered..

"Well, she met her birth mom and it didn't go so well.. She wasn't nice, she practically ran us out the house.." Troy spoke for Trish..

"Did she met her dad too??" Jay asked coming out the kitchen..

"Yeah, Troy is her dad.." I pointed out.. Sophie and Jay both gasped at this..

"You! You!! I can't believe it, no wonder they got similar features.." Jay looked at them both..

"Jay can I talk to you in the kitchen??" I asked.. He nodded and we went to the kitchen..

"What's up??" Jay was on the opposite side of the island..

"Trish.. She's having nightmares, begging whomever is hurting her not to.." I explained..

"Oh.. Our dad.."


"Noo.. Troy is cool, I meant my dad, Trish's adopted dad.."

"What happened? She said something about 'Reason for moving to Jamaica..' So I'm just concern."

"That so called father of ours use to hurt mom.. Abused her and raped her.. Mom couldn't do anything about it, she had to take care of us, she wasn't working so the money was coming from my dad's pockets.."

"So why not report him??"

"Because he was supporting the family.. If he was to go away, Trish and I would be brought to a home or institution away from our mom and she would be left there alone to do God knows what.. She couldn't take that risk.."

"But how did Trish got hurt??"

"As a man, he watched Trish grew up before his eyes.. As she started growing into a young teen.. As soon as she was twelve he thought he could take advantage of that.. Mom and I try fighting back to protect her, but he would hurt her at night when everyone was sleeping.."

"I would hide from him under the bed or in the closest, I locked the doors and prepared myself for a fight every night.. I am a fighter, I won't give up that easily.. He use to hit me for disobeying, but I didn't care, as long as he didn't get his way with me.." Trish stated as she came beside me..
"But in my dreams, I'm useless.. I can't protect myself.. In my dreams he would rape me, abuse me and then he killed me.. Over and over again, that's all I dream about.."

"He's being release next week.." Jay stated..

"Release??" I asked..

"Yeah, the neighbors tipped the police and now he's behind bars.. He threatened us, saying that he's coming back for us, so here we are.. " Trish smiled weakly..

"I wish I could have taken revenge on that idiot!" Jay slammed his fist on the counter of the island..

"Maybe you can.. All three of us.. It will make you feel better and you'll stop having nightmares.." I pointed out..

"How are we gonna do that??" Trish asked looking excited..

"Yeah please inform me.." Jay and his sarcasm..

"I'm a werewolf and I can-" Interrupted..

"A werewolf?? Wow that's amazing.." Jay laughed. "Hey I'm Santa! You know the one that breaks in people's home to give them presents and that little one there," he pointed at Trish, "she's the Tooth Fairy.."

"Hahahaha, but I'm serious.. Do you need proof??" I asked..

"Yeah I do.." I smirked at his answer..
Hopefully he doesn't pass out..

So believe it, meeting her birth mom was a complete fail.. I mean who does that.. I would put the reason why Lisa ran Trish away, but some things are better unknown.. But if you have a reason, rather figure out the reason, comment and let me know..


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