Chapter 25: England

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•Trish's POV•

Finally we arrived our destination. England was beautiful and extremely cold.. Kadine looked tired weirdly, since she was sleeping the entire flight..

"Where does your mom live??" Andre mumbled..

"First of all, her name is Lisa and second, I don't know!" I snapped..

"OK, guys! This is our ride!" Troy pointed to a car, I don't know what Brand or type, all I know is, its a white car.
We got in the car and it was a long silent drive to, where?? I have no idea..

"I'm hungry!" I shouted as I realize we were near a pastry shop..

"Let's stop and get something to eat.." Nick backed me up..
We stopped and I ate five patties by myself, while the other enjoyed one for themselves, since it was their first time eating patty..

A hour or less we reached a nice modern home.. The veranda was decorated with balloons and a 'Happy Birthday' sash.. A man was struggling to hang the rest of balloons and I was assuming he was Lisa's husband..

"May we help?" Troy called out as we got out of the car.. The man was in a large coat that covered him completely, his ebony hair was well cut and his dark skin tone was cool..

"Oh, hello!" The man's British accent was strong.. "My name is Jeff.."

"I'm Troy, we spoke over the phone.." Troy smiled..

"Yes! We have! Its very nice to meet you Sir Troy.." I giggled at his politeness..

"Mhmm, just Troy.. No need to be so formal.." Troy said..

Jeff invited us into his home and gave us coffee and donuts as we sat in the living room.. Inside the house was beautiful.. The white walls and light blue curtains complimented each other.. The stairs leading to God knows where was the first thing to welcome us.. It was plain but cozy..

"Wow! This place is amazing.." Kadine spoke my mind..

"Yes, thank you.. But Lisa is a clean freak, she like to have things in order and it must all be neatly done.." He smiled as he looked down at his hands..

"Now I know where Trish got it from.." Nick commented earning himself a glare..

"Trish?? Lisa's daughter??" He looked at me..

"That's me.." I did an awkward wave.. "So, umm.. Where is Lisa??"

"She's gone out with a friend.. But she will be back in the next few hours.." Jeff looked around.. "And his place still isn't ready yet.." He mumbled..

"We can help out." Troy suggested..

"Do we have to?" Nick mumbled. I gave him a hard blow to the rib cage, causing him to fall..

"Oh, yeah.. I am Trish, you already know Troy.." Troy smiled.. "This is Kadine, my best friend and her boyfriend Andre.." I pointed at them and they kissed..
"And this one here is Nick, my boyfriend.." Nick got up and stretch..

"OK, we know each other, so let's decorate.." Nick took up one of the boxes and went to the kitchen.. Andre took up another and went upstairs with Kadine and I left Troy and Jeff to decorate the living room..

"Nervous??" Nick asked as I entered the kitchen..

"About??" I helped him with the decoration, of course boys aren't good with these stuff..

"Meeting your mom??"

"She's not my mom, she's... Lisa." I corrected.. "And yes, a little.."

"Stop making it seem like she didn't want you Trish.. You're transforming this in a bigger deal, way more than it actually is.."

"I'm not! You just don't get it.."

"What's not to get? If I found family I would be thankful.. I'm practically losing them all, so to gain would be great.." Nick said bitterly, he never spoke harshly to me..

"Lose?? You lost family?? You lost Kevin and Ben.  But it hurt me more, they were my mates, my responsibilities.." Tears gathered..

"Yeah, so I'm a responsibility?? Nothing more than a pet you got to look out for.." He snapped.

"I didn't say that!"

"You didn't have to, I can tell what you obviously want to say.."

"Then you're wrong, you don't know me as well as I thought you did.." I snapped back. "I bet you don't even care about me, Ben and Kevin did a way better job at loving me.."

He was about to say something but I walked out of the kitchen.. If I never learned anything from Jay, I learned to analysis.. And what I had interpreted from that conversation was that, Nick lost someone that was valuable to him.. I went upstairs to see two love birds playing around with the decorations and kissing..

"Andre.." I called out.. They paid no mind..

"Andre?!" I said again and again until my patience ran out..

"Cassandre.." I said with a strange power lacing through my voice.. He backed away from Kadine and turned to me, giving me his full attention..

"Yes my Luna??" Andre answered.. The funny thing is he wasn't messing around..

"I need to talk to you, privately please.." Looking at Kadine..
"Can you please help Nick with the decorations downstairs.."

"I'm already helping-" Kadine was interrupted..

"Just go baby.. I'll see you afterwards, now go, please.." Andre said.. Kadine went downstairs.. "So what's the problem Luna??"

"Andre, you never call me Luna and you never put aside Kadine to talk, so??" It felt weird..

"So it must be important.. Your voice changed in a more alpha female like tone.."

"Oh, I got a question about Nick.. Did he lost someone important to him??"

"Yeah.. We all did, I mean Kevin was like our brother.."

"No, I meant before Kevin.. Maybe a friend or a girlfriend??" I mumbled..

"Well, he had a brother, he died.. Michael.."

"What happened to him??" Curiosity got the best of me..

"Michael was next to be alpha, but died so Nick took charge.. Anything else Nick would have to tell you, its not my place.." He informed me..

"Thanks anyway.." I tried smiling..

"No problem Luna.. One more thing, you need to be mark, I can smell you.."

"Of course you can.. You're a werewolf.." I pointed out.

"No, I mean your scent is strong.. Meaning you're a sex attraction for other werewolves, so you need to mate before going back home.."

"You mean heat?? I thought it only occur for werewolf girls.."

"It only occurs with magical creatures.. Like maybe a girl that's half witch and also the mate of three different werewolves.."

"Oh, yeah great.." Sarcasm..

I went downstairs, everyone was still decorating... I went into the living room..

"I won't be able to see...umm, Lisa until after her party.. I think its best I meet her then.." I suggest..

"That's a good idea.. She never told people about the whole being pregnant stuff, so it would be shocking.." Jeff commented..

"I'll need money to stay at a hotel for the night.." I told them.. They provided all that was needed..

After an awkward silence in the car, yeah I invited Nick to come with.. I really needed to talk to him, I couldn't be on bad terms with him, not at the moment..

OK, I admit.. This isn't the best, but its something.. Hopefully I will do better next chapter..


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