Schrödinger's chat

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Marinette was used to deal with strange things.

Ever since she became Ladybug, she started not to question her environment anymore and began to accept that walking statues, living mummies, morphing dinosaurs, miniature gods and two-faced butterflies were part of Parisian's everyday life.

Her phlegmatic reaction was a result of being caught frequently in a crossfire between Good and Evil way beyond a normal citizen had experienced before. She never bats an eye in the face of danger. Hell, she would even snort in the face of danger.

She was too immune to the mysteries of the world, and the fact that she has an alter-ego of a badass insect with a giant kitten as a partner didn't help her sense of reality.

So waking up in a loft bed that morning wasn't that alarming.

"Did I sleepwalk again, Tikki?" the girl yawned groggily then looked at the bright windows.

Her mind was hazy last night due to her medications, but she swore she conked on her desk flatly while answering her Physics assignment. She could even feel the indents of the book binds on her cheek.

"Hmmmmm." the red god landed on her side as she nibbled a cookie. "Maybe Chat carried you to your bed?"

Marinette laughed.

It was a running gag between the Chosen and her kwami to use Chat as the reason behind every unexplained scenario.

Not Chat as in Chat Blanc, but Chat as in Schrödinger's chat.

That mysterious cat that everybody wondered if alive or dead unless someone opened the box. On Marinette's case, she stopped cracking the answer to every mystery that was occurring around her and just left it as it should be.

It all started when she discovered one of her smashed flower pot while she was away with Alya, only to find a new pot on her balcony the next day.

She knew it wasn't her parents, and it'd be hilarious if a thief sent it as an apology after he kicked it by accident while doing his escape.

"Maybe Chat did it?" Tikki told her, but she just scoffed at the idea.

No way her superhero partner would land on her balcony, of all places, and break her pot. Or random strays then took somebody else's pot as a replacement.

She didn't have a pet that time, so clearly Chat Blanc was out of the picture.

"Whoever did this." the girl mused "They forgot to add a 'Sorry' note."

The mystery didn't occur again after Evillustrator.

She was a bit frazzled after battling with the Akuma who wants nothing but to date her on his birthday. She even forgot that Chat Noir left her in the banks of Seine after he fled and chase the Akuma.

Her tiredness won over, so she ended up going home and slept on her balcony.

That was her first case of sleepwalking.

"Maybe Chat tucked you into bed?" Tikki reasoned.

She remembered looking at the night sky before closing her lids. She even rolled around and sniffled when the midnight wind wafted her back, yet too tired to crawl inside.

"Chat doesn't know Marinette," she answered. "He's not a type that would check on a random civilian."

"If you say so." the kwami shrugged her shoulders then flew away.

The topic was still dropped even after it happened several times. She may be in her chaise or outside the reclining seat, Marinette would always end up waking in her bed covered with blankets.

Chat Blanc - a Miraculous Ladybug fanficWhere stories live. Discover now