Caught a stray

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Marinette realized that Chat Blanc didn't like Chat Noir the same way he didn't like Adrien.

Because when the white feline saw the trapped superhero, his first reaction was to pounce the cage and snarl.

And to make the matters worse, the superhero responded him with a menacing hiss.

"Chat!" the girl pulled her fuming cat away. "Bad kitty!"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm not talking to you, mister. I'm talking to my cat."


She turned Chat Blanc to meet his gaze. "Behave!"

His reaction to his Master's words was immediate.

His emerald eyes were full of regrets, and the way his ears dropped on his head told her that he was sorry for his actions. His tail even curled on her wrist to emphasize it.

"He's harmless, you know." she sighed, placing the cat gently on the chair once he relaxed then caressed his back to calm his nerves.

"Are you referring to that fellow?"

Marinette rolled her eyes before she walked towards the cage, abandoning her cat's soft whimpers.

"Well, Monsieur Noir." she sat on the back of her heels then gave him an impassive look. "Am I supposed to be impressed considering that one of the great heroes of Paris paid me, a normal citizen, a surprise visit?"

"Oh, but the pleasure is all mine, Princess." Chat Noir grinned joyously despite her sarcasm. "I believe the miraculous Ladybug passed my message regarding your invitation. So here I am!"

Of course, she remembered. "That was a few days ago."


"At one in the morning?"

"Uh, better to be late than never?" he blushed at the awkward tension, especially when she narrowed her gaze.

In his defense, he never specified what date and time he would visit Marinette after he told Ladybug about it. But that wasn't a valid excuse for him to storm on her balcony at one in the morning.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your beauty sleep." he bowed guilty. "I was so busy these past few days I couldn't visit you before your bedtime. And I was planning to double-check your security when I fell into your trap."

Her eye twitched on his pun. "Does this convince you now that I'm capable of protecting myself? That I'm not a walking disaster?"

She was trying not to be offended by Chat Noir's words. Her Kitty was caring and only thinking of every civilian's well-being, especially those who got dragged into Akuma battles. Bet she wasn't the only one he used to drop by to check their homes.

But hell, that was a jab on Ladybug's ego.

"I'm starting to agree." the feline hero rubbed his neck with an abashed face. "So Princess, would you mind to let this cat out from this bag?"

Marinette has another idea.

"And why would I do that, Monsieur Noir?" she crossed her arms. "First you trespassed my property, then you broke my security, and lastly you dared to threaten my cat."


"Give me a valid reason, Monsieur Noir, why I should open this cage and free you, instead of skinning you alive and sell your carcass to Alya?"

Seeing how her Chaton's face paled with jaw-slacked expression and blown green eyes made her heart lurched to her gut. She didn't mean to instill fear in her partner and feigned him to reveal his identity, but she was still salty with his outlook towards Marinette.

Chat Blanc - a Miraculous Ladybug fanficWhere stories live. Discover now