Look what the cats dragged in

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Marinette learned that it was cat's nature to bring dead animals to their owner as their way of showing their love and affection. She thought that there was an exception to the rule and that Chat Blanc was a special case.

How wrong she was.

During the initial weeks of living with her pet, the designer began to receive several amounts of surprises left on her loft staircase, particularly dead black mice.

She could still remember the softness of its furry body against her sole when she walked down groggily on that fateful Monday morning, and the splatting sound that followed together with some flying meat chunks and bloody veins God knows where it landed afterward.

Marinette had to scream her lungs out the first time she encountered such horrendous carcass, and her parents almost called 112 thinking that an intruder attacked their daughter.

And in the midst of that chaos was a mewling Chat Blanc with his tail wagging happily like a good boy he was.

Thanks to her Lady Luck, Marinette didn't throw up on the spot or fall down to meet her demise. She summoned her inner superheroine to lift her murderous leg up and inspect how some strands of the intestines slithered on her skin. The grayish matter stuck on her toenails that she constantly denied being a portion of rodent's brain, however, spoiled her appetite for weeks.

It took her three 'rude awakenings' to discover that the mice were technically not dead but unconscious, and the one that delivered the last judgment was none other than her small, bare foot.

"Aren't you glad that Chat loves you in a most twisted way?" Alya taunted much to her best friend's chagrin. They were staying at the zoo that time for an afternoon stroll.

"That's a typical problem for rescues." Otis eyed the white feline that was sniffing his panther's glass cage. "Even if you'll make him a 100% indoor cat, you still can't stop his instinct to hunt. It's part of their genes."

Marinette received some useful tips from Dr. Moshe on minimizing Chat Blanc's generosity of teaching his Master how to eat dead animals.

One of her workarounds was congratulating the cat for being a good boy after putting the poor mouse on her staircase again, then threw it away as soon as he left the premise.

Unfortunately, he caught her red-handed.

Fortunately, his gross behavior stopped.

The change wasn't drastic though.

At first, Chat Blanc diverted his attention to insects, from catching butterflies in between his canine teeth - much to Tikki's amusement - to live bugs.

The worst experience Marinette had was during her classmates' sleepover.

All girls except Chloe and Sabrina were too busy playing with Truth or Dares to notice the prancing cat and the insect that he slipped near their feet.

It was a cockroach.

Nino almost suffered an aneurysm when they relayed the story the next day.

As far as the designer could recall, that was the last incident of seeing dead inside Dupain-Cheng's household.

She was quite proud of herself. It was a mission accomplished. She really deserves a pat on the back.

Not until she factored Chat Noir.

Her feline partner was fond of bearing gifts to his Lady, and would often pull his Kitty Eyes™ card just to win the argument. Not that Ladybug hates being showered with affection; she didn't want her Chaton to spend hundreds of euros for a piece of jewelry.

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